Hi all,

I am shocked by what I have read in the minutes of the last Community
The minutes are there :
It is about to force the members of the Community Council which are also
member of the Document Foundation, to leave their seat at the Community
Council under the pretext of an alleged conflict of interest.

I can not accept that.

These members of the Community Council are elected by the OpenOffice.org
Community and it is obvious for me that :

0/ there is no conflict of interest because the Document Foundation is a
proclamation of the need of a step forward for OpenOffice.org. It is in
the interest of OpenOffice.org, not against OpenOffice.org.

1/ without member elected by the Community, nobody is legitimate to
release a new version of OpenOffice.org in the name of the Community.

2/ as I am the French Native Lang project Lead, I am responsible to
manage QA tests to release French localized version. I hope everybody
understand that in the current situation I can not be sure to finding
enough volunteers to do TCM tests of OOo 3.3.0, nor to want to manage
this tests. Indeed, the pressure exerted by Oracle creates uncertainty,
damaging for the end users and Community members and destroy the
confidence they can have in this new version.

As Community members, every day in contact with end-users, we are
responsible and we want to release only an high quality product and a
product in which the end-users are convinced to find the high quality
tools they need. Millions of end-users have confidence in OpenOffice.org
only because it is carried, tested and promoted by a very active
Community. If you discourage the Community you kill OpenOffice.org,
cause big damage among users, and finally, it is Oracle which will be
considered as responsible of this mess.

I hope Oracle does not want that.


Jean-Baptiste Faure
French N-L project Lead

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