Hello guys, especially Matthias.

We are about to import Apache NetBeans 11.x to OracleLabs projects like
VisualVM and IGV. To do so we need a legal approval. Ideally we would get
list of files
for the clusters that we need with their appropriate license:

platform cluster
├── core
│   ├── asm-all-5.0.1.jar - BSD
│   ├── core-base.jar - APL2
│   ├── core.jar - APL2
│   ├── org-netbeans-libs-asm.jar - APL2
│   └── org-openide-filesystems.jar - APL2
├── lib
│   ├── boot.jar - APL2
│   ├── nbexec - APL2
│   ├── nbexec64.dll - APL2

possibly with a hyperlink to the actual text of the license. What would be
the best way to generate such document? I know we can generate the LICENSE
and DEPENDENCIES files with

nbbuild$ ant build-source-config -Dcluster.config=igv
nbbuild$ git diff .
diff --git a/nbbuild/cluster.properties b/nbbuild/cluster.properties
index 3523ff048..272f81016 100644
--- a/nbbuild/cluster.properties
+++ b/nbbuild/cluster.properties
@@ -40,6 +40,14 @@ clusters.config.basic.list=\
 # ergonomics must be last

+        ${clusters.config.platform.list},\
+        nb.cluster.ide,\
+        nb.cluster.extide,\
+        nb.cluster.java,\
+        nb.cluster.nb,\
+        nb.cluster.webcommon

so we seem to have enough information. It is just about the "right

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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