On Sun, 4 Aug 2019, 07:06 Jan Lahoda, <lah...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  So, for reproducible builds,
> we need to solve the OpenIDE-Module-Build-Version attribute.

True. This is definitely only about the auto-generated attributes.

It's not just about reproducible builds though, which we'd still have some
way to get to. I don't like that we had to pull the first NB11.1 Maven vote
because of this attribute.

> For implementation version, using the literal spec. version would be a nice
> trick, but it is difficult to to me to accept that for the build version.

Can I ask why? How is it being used outside of specifying a particular

So, using git hash feels like a reasonable solution (and we already do that
> for the build version, only prepend the current date!).

Actually, we're not on the release builds - they have Jenkins build info

For Apache
> releases, we could print the git hash into a file in the source distro, and
> read it from that file. Having the source hash in the source distro might
> be a good idea anyway.

Yes, this was discussed in the PR linked earlier, along with including
public-facing version info via file. We need to ensure that zip build and
git build give the same thing. I share some of Emi's concerns with this
approach, although it could solve the immediate issue.

Best wishes,



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