Sorry for spam, I have resolved this issue.
BTW, do we have any design doc of netbean profiler? I want to write java
API to call netbean profiler lib for do come customization when analyzing
my 91G heap dump.

Really appreciate ur great help in advance!

On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 7:59 PM Roy Zhang <>

> Dear Netbean experts,
> I checkout netbean source code and wanna debug netbean profiler. I checked
> out
> 1. Open netbean 11 IDE and open Netbean Build System 2. Run "ant
> -Ddebug.port=9009 tryme" to listen to 9009 debug port 3. In netbean 11 IDE,
> debug->attach java debugger to attach to 9009 port, but I don't find java
> code in netbean profiler code to add breakpoints.
> Could anyone kindly pls help me? Thanks in advance!
> Thanks,
> Roy

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