
One of the things we talked about during our discussions at Code One is to
set up some
anonymous, open data, usage analytics for Net Beans . We could use and
extend existing usage information gathering and that could be optional. It
would help us to better understand how users are actually using NetBeans at
the moment, which features, technologies etc. and maybe make better
decisions about its development.
For start it could be basic statistics but we could include more stuff,
figure out some useful patterns.
In a long term it could also include info about development, issues, bug
prediction etc.
Maybe that would also attract data science/ai/ml community and we could
possibly expand in that domain.

Any interest to make that happen?

Zoran Sevarac, PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Software Engineering
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organisational Sciences
Deep Netts <http://www.deepnetts.com>  Co-founder & CEO  | Oracle
Groundbreaker Ambassador | Java Champion
Open source: Neuroph <http://neuroph.sourceforge.net/>founder, Apache Net
Beans <https://netbeans.apache.org/> contributor
Homepage: http://www.zoransevarac.com

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