Glad to see someone interested in this feature.
A long time ago I came across a blog post[1] by Andrej Karpathy (AI guru) in 
which a neural network was trained on variety of text datasets and then used as 
a content generator. When trained on Linux and Apache source code, the 
generator could reproduce pseudo code, that was not valid code, but was very 
well formatted. It was quite cool to see the network had learned several 
things, indentation being one of them. Do check out the Source Code section of 
the blog to know what I am talking about.

The most straightforward way I see to do this is some frequency model of a 
predefined set of indentation rules.
But if anyone is interested to create a small fast neural network with limited 
features, it would be great to see the possibilities.

+1 for this.



December 10, 2019 11:16 PM, "Alvin Thompson" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Assuming that this email doesn't get flagged as spam due to the subject line, 
> this is just a
> reminder that I have a bounty for anyone who creates a NetBeans plugin that 
> detects and uses the
> existing indentation of the file being edited. For any indentation info that 
> can not be gleaned
> from the file, it should fall back to the preferences. This really is an 
> absolute must team work
> these days.
> You get $100 for coming up with the plugin, and another $100 if it gets 
> donated and makes it into
> NetBeans itself. But I imagine most people will want to do this so that I 
> have a slightly higher
> opinion of them.
> I would do this myself but I am very, very lazy.
> That is all,
> Alvin
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