Agree. The only settings I really care about it detecting are "expand tabs to 
spaces", "spaces per indent", and "continuation indentation". Bonus points for 
"label indentation" (and "absolute label indentation").

> On Dec 11, 2019, at 8:51 PM, Tim Boudreau <> wrote:
> public class Bar {
>>        public int wazoo;
>> }
>> There is enough Information to know that the standard indentation is 1
>> tab, but you don’t have enough information to know what the label
>> indentation or continuation indentation should be.
> The hard part is dealing with ambiguity. Real sources with a long history
> may contain a mix of tabs and spaces, different indent levels etc.
> Not to mention more esoteric things - for example, spaces inside
> parentheses and how that deals with nested parentheses - e.g. “foo( bar(
> baz ))” good and “foo( bar( baz ) )” bad (I have yet to find an incantation
> off NetBeans’s own formatter that gets this right.
> If you just want to detect tabs or spaces and how many, that might be a
> $200 job. For detecting everything and not getting at least one thing
> embarrassingly wrong, likely $100k is not enough.
> So if someone does this, choose carefully what problems you DON’T want to
> solve, or plan on going down an infinitely deep rabbit hole.
> -Tim
> The plugin would need to fall back to the NetBeans prefs to "figure out"
>> sensible values for these.
>> While not rocket science, this isn’t entirely straightforward because you
>> can’t just copy the NetBeans prefs. Continuing the example above, if
>> NetBeans specifies that the standard indentation is 2 spaces and the
>> continuation indentation is also 2 spaces, you can figure out that the
>> continuation indentation for this file should be one tab. If in NetBeans
>> the continuation indentation was 4 spaces (twice the standard indentation),
>> the continuation indentation for this file should be 2 tabs.
>> -Alvin
>> --
> <>

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