Ășt 31. 3. 2020 v 4:22 odesĂ­latel Sean Carrick <s...@pekinsoft.com> napsal:

> Hello, Dev List!
> I am somewhat new at designing RCPs on the NetBeans Platform and have run
> into a small issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will
> be very grateful.
> I am working on a singleton class, FuelPurchaseManager, which stores the
> data for the Proof of Concept for my project for making fuel purchases. I
> have created a menu, Maintenance/Post Journals to Ledger. On this menu, I
> have created the following Action:
> package com.northwind.fuel.controller;
> import com.northwind.fuel.model.FuelPurchaseManager;import
> java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import
> org.openide.loaders.DataObject;import org.openide.awt.ActionID;import
> org.openide.awt.ActionReference;import
> org.openide.awt.ActionRegistration;import
> org.openide.util.NbBundle.Messages;
> @ActionID(
>         category = "Maintenance",
>         id = "com.northwind.fuel.controller.PostJournalToGL"
> )@ActionRegistration(
>         iconBase = "com/northwind/fuel/postToGL.png",
>         displayName = "#CTL_PostJournalToGL"
> )@ActionReference(path = "Menu/Maintenance/Journals", position =
> 3233)@Messages("CTL_PostJournalToGL=Post Fuel Journal")public final
> class PostJournalToGL implements ActionListener {
>     private final FuelPurchaseManager context;
>     public PostJournalToGL(FuelPurchaseManager context) {
>         this.context = context;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
>         FuelPurchaseManager.getInstance().actionPerformed(ev);

Wrong. Don't use singleton. Use `context`.

>     }
> }
> I have set up the FuelPurchaseManager singleton as follows:
> public class FuelPurchaseManager extends AbstractAction
>         implements LookupListener, ContextAwareAction {

Remove `extends AbstractAction implements LookupListener,
ContextAwareAction` keep just the business logic.

Then just make sure a TopComponent with instance of `FuelPurchaceManager`
in its lookup is opened - on startup - on some other action - etc.:
        TopComponent tc = new TopComponent() {

Your `PostJournalToGL` action is going to be enabled when your TopComponent
is focused and disabled otherwise.

PPS: http://wiki.apidesign.org/wiki/DCI

>     public static final long serialVersionUID = 6597346658963L;
>     private static FuelPurchaseManager mgr = null;
>     private Lookup context;
>     Lookup.Result<FuelPurchaseManager> lkpInfo;
>     private final ArrayList<FuelPurchase> journal;
>     private FuelPurchaseManager() {
>         this.journal = new ArrayList<>();
>         /*
> *********************************************************************
>           * DEBUGGING CODE: The following code, until the "END
> DEBUGGING"     *            * comment is for the Proof of Concept
> only. It will need to be      *           * updated to ***actual***
> business logic before we create a release *           * build.
>                                                    *
> ********************************************************************/
>         DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMM dd,
> yyyy");
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 14, 2020", fmt), // Tx date
>                 540312, // Odometer
>                 102.890, // # of gallons
>                 2.765,  // Price per gallon
>                 284.49)); // Total price
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 17, 2020", fmt),
>                 541990,
>                 134.880,
>                 2.493,
>                 336.26));
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 20, 2020", fmt),
>                 542766,
>                 151.460,
>                 2.420,
>                 366.46));
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 21, 2020", fmt),
>                 543088,
>                 92.730,
>                 2.306,
>                 213.80));
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 23, 2020", fmt),
>                 545317,
>                 161.060,
>                 2.620,
>                 421.99));
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 25, 2020", fmt),
>                 546525,
>                 127.360,
>                 2.706,
>                 344.66));
>         this.journal.add(new FuelPurchase(
>                 LocalDate.parse("Jan 29, 2020", fmt),
>                 547184,
>                 168.880,
>                 2.315,
>                 390.87));
>         /*
> ********************************************************************
>            * END OF DEBUGGING CODE: Remove the above before release
> build.    *
> *******************************************************************/
>     }
>     private FuelPurchaseManager(Lookup context) {
>         this();
>         putValue(Action.NAME,
> NbBundle.getMessage(FuelPurchaseManager.class,
>                 "LBL_Action"));
>         this.context = context;
>     }
>     void init() {
>         assert SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()
>                 : "this shall be called just from AWT thread";
>         if ( lkpInfo != null ) {
>             return;
>         }
>     }
>     public static FuelPurchaseManager getInstance() {
>         if ( mgr == null )
>             mgr = new FuelPurchaseManager();
>         return mgr;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public boolean isEnabled() {
>         init();
>         return super.isEnabled();
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
>         init();
>         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("`FuelPurchaseManager."
>                 + "actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)` Not supported yet.");
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void resultChanged(LookupEvent le) {
>         setEnabled(!lkpInfo.allInstances().isEmpty());
>     }
>     @Override
>     public Action createContextAwareInstance(Lookup lkp) {
>         return FuelPurchaseManager.getInstance();
>     }
>     /* Many other data storage, retrieval, and manipulation methods
> below here */
> }
> Now, since the PostJournalToGL action class is set up as conditional,
> shouldn't it enable the menu item whenever there is a change to the data in
> the FuelPurchaseManager class?
> I have Googled this using every possible set of keywords that I am able to
> think up, but to no avail. I cannot seem to find anything that points me in
> the correct direction for making this work. Everything that I have found is
> dealing with visual elements in the application, mostly using Nodes to
> conditionally enable menu items and toolbar buttons.
> If you could possibly point me in the correct direction for solving this, I
> will be so grateful! However, if this is not possible, I can go with my
> only hope (which I hoped would just be temporary), which is creating a
> visual journal window for each module that contains a journal of financial
> transactions that will need to be posted to the General Ledger.
> Thanks for any help that you are able to provide with this issue.
> Sincerely,
> Sean Carrick
> Owner - PekinSOFT Systems
> s...@pekinsoft.com
> (309) 989-0672

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