Just reproduced it again on a NetBeans module project, on a different
machine than I usually use for coding - different userdir, version of
NetBeans, etc.  I'm curious if anyone else can.  Steps to reproduce:

1. Clone this repo:
git clone g...@github.com:timboudreau/ANTLR4-Plugins-for-NetBeans.git

2.  Check out the commit I was working against:
cd ANTLR4-Plugins-for-NetBeans
git checkout 6c0fd2dbd76ab09182cafc937a961d4ff5abe391

3. Build it once
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true clean install

4.  Open the subproject antlr-utils in the IDE, let it load and expand its
one package

5.  Right click the class Criteria.java and choose *Tools | Create/Update

6.  Accept the defaults, change nothing in the dialog (which contains no
mention of Selenium), just click *OK* (note this means you are selecting
JUnit as the test framework, even though the parent project depends on
JUnit 4 and that's what should be used - perhaps this is the trigger?).

then see if this pile of dependencies gets added to the pom.xml (and the
build will fail because of dependency convergence - Selenium is sloppy
about dependency management) - note both JUnit 4 and JUnit are added, *and *the
parent pom specifies a different version of JUnit 4 which the version spec


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