This is a good candidate for NB 12.1, is it?

El 9/6/20 a las 18:23, Geertjan Wielenga escribió:
See this at the end of the issue: "After some debugging it seems that the
newer Maven uses a global cache which prevents the updates from the parent
pom from showing up in the child. Adding
`-J-Dmaven.defaultProjectBuilder.disableGlobalModelCache=true` to
`netbeans_default_options` in netbeans.conf solves the regression."


On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 6:22 PM Neil C Smith <> wrote:

On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 19:39, Mark Eggers <>
I know Windows is notorious for holding file locks, so that's not
entirely unexpected.

However, why is NetBeans trying to delete something in my repository?

Same issue on Linux too, so it's not just Windows file locks.

The behaviour makes sense to me, though.  It's just deleting the
artefacts from the project build?  Having the remnants hanging around
is more of an issue.

Best wishes,


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