Tim Boudreau, 

thanks for your suggestion, i agree with you!!!like you said, that wrote code 
to netbeans for 21 years, i found your blogand your netbeans modules, that is 
great, fine work;
i have a question, do you have some tutorial or do you suggest some tutorialhow 
write plugin and module to netbeans???
Att,Marcos Paulo

    Le jeudi 6 août 2020 à 04:13:09 UTC−3, Tim Boudreau <niftin...@gmail.com> a 
écrit :  
 I've been developing NetBeans itself and plugins for it for 21 years now.
In that time I have run a debugger against NetBeans maybe ONCE, to see if
it worked.

The startup time penalty, and the odds of winding up stepping through code
you actually need to see, rather than marching endlessly through
java.util.Logger's source code and other irrelevant stuff, are
infinitesimal.  Debuggers are a great tool for debugging algorithms you can
isolate in a test or tiny application, or for learning how programs work
when you're learning to program.  As a tool for fixing things in huge
applications with deep stacks, they're pretty much useless - way too much
distracting noise and way to little signal.

My suggestion is, learn to love logging statements and
System.out.println().  You can isolate problems quite fast if you do a sort
of logging-binary-search - add a logging statement entering the code where
something goes wrong, and one at a point where that thing probably has
already gone wrong.  If that works as expected, add logging at the midpoint
between those two points.  Still okay at the midpoint?  Add one between the
middle and end - and so forth until you're on the line where things really
do go wrong (usually just narrowing down the scope lets you see it).

Sorry to be a downer on debuggers, but I can count on one hand the number
of times I have learned anything useful from a debugger, and all of those
times I could have probably found it faster if I'd just read the code.


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