Sorry to be late, but
    there is a project test case for Maven "slowlyness" ?

I mean : a project for which there's a time gap between

- nb/command line mvn invocations
- or between ant / mavn builds (I know : how many projects have TWO build files ? ...)

for routinely rebuilds of big projects I often activate the "quiet" and "parallel" build params
and keep an eye at mvn java memory params.
Usual network and I/O tricks may apply.



On 25/08/2020 07:27, Jaroslav Tulach wrote:
And it's Apache Maven, over the corner at so
I suppose that community would be happy to get such contributions.

You are right, Bertrand. Why not ask!

Hello Maven guys,
we had a discussion on the NetBeans mailing list recently and here is a
* Apache NetBeans IDE is delegating most of its work directly to Maven
* Users however complain that the speed isn't great
* One of the ideas was to launch a "zombie" instance of Maven in advance
* then actions like build, exec or test would be faster

Have you thought about something like this already? Any advices?

Best regards.
Jaroslav Tulach
NetBeans Platform Architect

ne 23. 8. 2020 v 9:06 odesílatel Jaroslav Tulach <>

I agree with others, Ant is much faster day to day. But the pom.xml has
become the universal project file for Java,
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I know Maven start is slower, but
learned to live with it. It is interesting to hear that some of you
maintain a
dual Ant based copy of your project metadata. Once we were trying a

There is a way to speed Maven in the IDE. Launch Maven, let it read all
co. files and stop it. As soon as we need to build/run/test, wake up this
zombie Maven process, tell it what to do and let it continue. If the XML
are modified, throw the process away and initialize it again. Tomáš Stupka
implemented a prototype of this and there were no issues, as far as I know
(nobody tested it thoroughly however).

Maybe the support is even in and there is a property to turn it on. If the
Maven startup is the biggest problem for you guys, we shall investigate
how to
turn Tomáš's work on...


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