Dear Apache NetBeans community,

The second, and hopefully final release candidate of Apache NetBeans 12.2 is available.

This one is fixing one blocker issue [NETBEANS-5007] No restart of language server after change of JDK home

as of:

Technically this codechange only affects the upcoming VSCode Extension, so our target date for cutting the release is still 15th of November.

**The following rules are applied to the PR-s :**

As this is a release candidate, if everything goes right the release build would be cut from the very same git commit as this one.

Only fixes for blocker issues are allowed this time! The rules are the following: - The blocker issue, if found has to be announced and discussed on the developer mailing list first. Please note that if you have concern about the the licensing of some files/component please raise it now as those are considered blocking.
- If there would be an eventual need of fix, please:
- Mark the milestone as: 12.2
- Please add me (lkishalmi) as an additional reviewer

That would also indicate that we do another release candidate when the issue is fixed.

I've merged all the changes happened for NetBeans12.2-rc2 to the master as well:
- If you feel the PR is ready for 12.3 then mark that milestone
- Add the usual reviewers
- API/SPI changes are fine
- Structural changes are welcome if needed

If everything goes right the Next action would be the vote on the release from 15th of November!

The NetBeans 12.2-rc2 artifacts are here:

Link to the binary zip: SHA512: 5b9f8194f997ce72c4f4a4cec2b32c6c0422cc5d1a3bc7a2862e813797998b7474a5f93979fb1bb8e3222b31fbe03260a452d116fdca65238c520cde01174891

The sources are here: SHA512: 9152c7ea1e87403ed4855ebbafbdcd431725bd1b685ad8dfeefb7c7418d1545a2eaf996e94df379516f22a6d3d41171c09571810df19e40a7d1cf5e5e578e269

Release schedule :

Bug Priority Guidelines :

Thank you for your contributions!

Laszlo Kishalmi
Release Manager of Apache NetBeans 12.2

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