
*Steps taken:*

1. Download the artefact to be voted on and unzip it.

[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$ unzip netbeans-12.3-source.zip > /dev/null
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$

2. Check that the artefact does not contain any jar files, except for:

[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$ find ./ -type f -name "*.jar"
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$

3. Verify the cryptographic signatures, the NOTICE and LICENSE file

Not done.

4. Build it using the README provided by the artifact.

[bwalker@localhost ~]$ !export ANT_HOME=~/bin/apache-ant-1.10.9/
[bwalker@localhost ~]$
[bwalker@localhost ~]$
[bwalker@localhost ~]$ cd /tmp/netbeans/
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$ $ANT_HOME/bin/ant clean > /dev/null
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$ $ANT_HOME/bin/ant
Buildfile: /tmp/netbeans/build.xml








    [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build/antclasses
    [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
[downloadbinaries] Creating
[downloadbinaries] Creating /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/external/langtools-9.zip
[downloadbinaries] Creating
[downloadbinaries] Creating
[downloadbinaries] Creating
     [echo] Bootstrapping NetBeans-specific Ant extensions...
    [javac] Compiling 97 source files to
      [jar] Building jar: /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build/nbantext.jar
[configureproxy] Resetting proxyHost to empty string
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build/netbeansrelease.json
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build


     [echo] Processing build with branch release123 and hash


     [echo] Building branch: release123
[releasejson] Taking release info from json
[releasejson] Processing release: [release110, release121, release90,
release120, release112, release123, release100, release111, release122,
release113, master]
[releasejson] (release90,1)
[releasejson] (release100,2)
[releasejson] (release110,3)
[releasejson] (release111,4)
[releasejson] (13437000bfb94d22a3a6fa2ba8f600e53ffd3cdd,1,-1,beta1)
[releasejson] (f56623c16cc2cbc4a381508562545b13de91437e,2,-1,beta2)


     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/bin
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/etc
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/etc
    [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build/license-temp
      [jar] Updating jar:
     [echo] /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/platform/lib/nbexec
     [hgid] No HEAD found starting from /tmp/netbeans
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/nb




Total time: 5 minutes 17 seconds
[bwalker@localhost netbeans]$

5. Look in nbbuild/netbeans for the NetBeans installation created by the
build process and try running it.

Done.. I've been using it to clean up the warning messages for the past 2
days.. 8-)

You're local rust remover,

-brad w.

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