Hi Antonio,

A few comments below:

On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 7:30 PM antonio <anto...@vieiro.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been taking a look at the CND donation and I'd like to share with
> you some findings, to verify if I'm correct and to discuss what should
> be done (I'm afraid this is goning to be a long email).
> Before going any further, you may want to read Jan's instructions for
> CND first, available in the README.cnd file in the CND branch:
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/netbeans/blob/cnd/README.cnd
> I think we can recreate many of the files missing in the donation listed
> in Jan's README.cnd [1] but for these three ones:
> - cnd/cnd.modelimpl ... CPPParserEx.java
> - cnd/cnd.modelimpl ... CPPSymbol.java
> - cnd/cnd.modelimpl ... cpparser.g
> These three files were probably not donated because their origin could
> not be exactly tracked.
> Some research indicates that these files were incorporated to NetBeans a
> long time ago, and were originally covered with a very liberal license.
> Further modifications by Sun/Oracle were covered with CDDL/GPL2+CPE,
> that we can't use in Apache NetBeans.
> The latest I can track them in NetBeans history are (probably) these
> versoions (these don't have latest Sun+Oracle modifications, of course,
> and may be poor alternatives to NetBeans 8.2 parsers/lexers):
> [1.1]
> https://github.com/emilianbold/netbeans-releases/blob/ddf7b064d46d371e2d1c69f30176b7ddb11178c1/cnd.modelimpl/src/org/netbeans/modules/cnd/modelimpl/parser/CPPSymbol.java
> [1.2]
> https://github.com/emilianbold/netbeans-releases/blob/ddf7b064d46d371e2d1c69f30176b7ddb11178c1/cnd.modelimpl/src/org/netbeans/modules/cnd/modelimpl/parser/CPPParserEx.java
> [1.3]
> https://github.com/emilianbold/netbeans-releases/blob/ddf7b064d46d371e2d1c69f30176b7ddb11178c1/cnd.modelimpl/src/org/netbeans/modules/cnd/modelimpl/parser/cppparser.g
> And here comes the first question:
> Q1. May we incorporate these three files ([1.1], [1.2], [1.3]) that were
> covered by public domain licenses into Apache NetBeans?
> Jan's README.cnd [1] also lists three missing binaries required to build
> and/or to run CND.
> The first two binaries:
> * [A] 47F0DB803884692F28A26A2FF80A7D6756B091DB-cnd-build-trace-1.0.zip
> * [B] E59851B0E49C05D728D5C653E52750FA5B6A8F0E-cnd-rfs-1.0.zip
> Have C/C++ sources that have been donated:
> * [A] https://github.com/apache/netbeans/tree/cnd/cnd/cnd.discovery/tools
> * [B] https://github.com/apache/netbeans/tree/cnd/cnd/cnd.remote/tools
> And that can then be built for Windows and Linux with ASF Infrastructure
> (MacOS or Solaris builds may require third-party infrastructure).
> The third binary in Jan's README.cnd,
> * [C] 5CAB59D859CAA6598E28131D30DD2E89806DB57F-antlr-3.4.jar
> Is exactly the antlr-3.4 "complete" variant (i.e., the runtime + the
> compiler) but can be easily tracked and used (BSD-3 license).
> No questions regarding these binaries, then.
> 3) MISSING MODULE "cnd.antlr"
> Jan's README.cnd [1] also lists a module that was not donated by Oracle:
> * cnd/modules/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-antlr.jar =>
> cnd/libs.antlr.cnd/external
> This "cnd.antlr" module in NetBeans 8.2 seems to be a fork of Antlr 2 or
> Antlr 3. This module is used to _compile_ different grammars in other
> modules in CND (this is equivalent to the "antlr.Tool" in antlr
> "complete" variants):
> * cnd.apt (aptexpr.g, aptlexer.g, aptBigIntegerExpr.g)
> * cnd.asm (DisScanner.g, IdentScanner.g, ATTSCanner.g)
> * cnd.modelimpl (Evaluator.g, CXXParser.g (empty), cppparser.g above,
> missing)
> The "cnd.antlr" binary is also used to _run_ the compiled grammars above
> (this is equivalent to antlr-runtime libraries) for the cnd.apt,
> cnd.asm, cnd.modelimpl _and_ cnd.kit.
> As far as I know we _cannot_ include the binary of NetBeans 8.2
> "cnd.antlr" in Apache NetBeans, neither in the original version nor in
> the Oracle's donatin "libs.antlr.cnd", because it's covered by
> CDDL/GPLvCE. And here comes the second question:
> Q.2.: We may not include the _binary_ of NetBeans 8.2 "cnd.antlr" in
> Apache NetBeans, right? So the current "cnd/libs.antlr.cnd" cannot be
> shipped with Apache NetBeans either.
> Some (I didn't test all) of these [GRAMMARS] don't compile with
> antlr.Tool V2.7.2, V3.4 nor V3.5.2. You can try yourself running java
> -cp [antlr.jar] antlr.Tool the-grammar-file.g
> This possibly implies that the module "cnd.antlr" has suffered many
> variations while inside NetBeans during the years, has significantly
> diverged from antlr, and the grammars that once compiled with antlr do
> not compile without it right now.
> To clarify: some/all of [GRAMMARS] above can only be compiled with
> "cnd.antlr".
> I think we have the following options right now:
> O.0 - Option 0: Keep libs.antlr.cnd
> If the answer of Q.2 above says we can ship with a compiled
> "cnd.antlr"/"libs.antlr.cnd" then we can move forward with this "as is".
> O.1 - Option 1: Keep "cnd.antlr" as a compiler and create the runtime
> We could use "cnd.antlr" to _compile_ the grammar files at build time
> (even if this is GPL+CPE).
> And then recreate the runtime portions of "cnd.antlr" that give support
> to the running compiled grammars. By doing this we'll be able to ship
> CND relatively soon (the time it takes to setup the compilation part and
> to recreate the cnd.antlr runtime classes).

I didn't dig very deep, but is the cnd.antlr really needed at runtime? I
know the project dependencies say yes, but when I was experimenting with
this, I hoped it is only needed at compile time, and the normal antlr
runtime is used at runtime (ide/libs.antlr3.runtime). We hopefully could
simply use the cnd.antlr at compile-time for some time.

> O.2 - Option 2: Upgrade the grammars
> The second option could be to migrate the [GRAMMARS] to antlrv4. This
> will possibly take more time, but will allow us to have more modern
> grammars that are easier to maintain. Of course many modules (cnd.asm,
> cnd.apt and cnd.kit, possibly others) will have to be recreated to
> accept the change.
> O.3 - Option 3: Use clang/libclang/LSP
> The third option could be to delegate the lexing/parsing to third
> parties that are more knowledgeable of C/C++/Objective C internals.

Which is more or less what cpplite is trying to do, via LSP using either
ccls or clangd.

I guess my worry is this: who will be fixing bugs and updating the grammars
as C/C++ evolves? If there's someone willing to maintain the grammars and
features, I am all for it, but it sounds like a lot of work. Using ccls (or
clangd) seemed like something that can be made to work and maintain in a
limited amount of time.

The downside of using a third-party tool is that we would be limited to
features supported by the third-party tool, and also it creates less than
ideal out-of-the-box experience.

Note we can use anything we see fit from the CND donation even if we go
this route (after it goes through IP clearance).

> It seems "libclang" is a stable API we could use. We could also improve
> the current Cpplite (LSP) and improve it.
> Note that if we use LSP or libclang we should start thinking of a good
> solution to build "compilation databases" (possibly from Makefiles too)
> that all clang tools use to do proper parsing.

If we have more complex projects (the cpplite projects are very bare-bones,
and basically only allow the user to say where the compilation database
is), it should be easy to generate the compilation database. It is
basically a list of command lines used to compile the sources.


> And here come the next questions:
> Q.3.- Can you think of any other option to O.0...O.3 above?
> Q.4.- Which option above (O.0, O.1, O.2, O.3 ... O.N) do you think is
> the best one?
> Thanks and apologies for this long email,
> Antonio
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