
Is there a Mac installer that I could try out for you ?


David Gradwell

On 12/05/2021, 07:42, "Geertjan Wielenga" <> wrote:

    Here's our release schedule for 12.4:

    April   2: 12.4 Beta
    April 16: 12.4 Feature freeze
    April 21: Weekly Release Candidate 1
    April 28: Weekly Release Candidate 2 (if needed)
    May   5: Weekly Release Candidate 3 (if needed)
    May   7 - 14: Voting
    May 15 - 30: Release

    So, we're running a bit behind schedule. But this rc, i.e., rc3 should --
    unless very serious issues are found -- be the same as the voting
    candidate, which should be the same as 12.4. In other words, the below
    points to what is likely to be 12.4:;;sdata=1ktgfHxKKn8yusMJ3dhlEZ1pvM8iRbTgsjC0qgKWSTE%3D&amp;reserved=0

    Please download and kick the tires!

    What's new/changes for 12.4, a fuller document will be created closer to
    the release:;;sdata=3vdaAddhylWRoNV6RX7uwkd9M3cOx%2BsbBhl7IJMDYM4%3D&amp;reserved=0

    The fuller document is being put together here (though seems to be down at
    the moment), please document the features and fixes you have provided:;;sdata=%2BvHzn0hBysDGXwYy555%2BwE8q%2F6GLL9Yw579OpOo3tfc%3D&amp;reserved=0

    Please try out your normal workloads as well as, if you've added new
    features or fixed bugs, please try out those features and fixes to make
    sure everything works as you expect.

    Feature freeze is behind us now, so only fixes for blocker issues are
    allowed this time. The rules are the following:
    - The blocker issue, if found, has to be announced and discussed on the
    developer mailing list first. Please note that if you have concerns about
    the licensing of some files/components please raise it now as those are
    considered blocking.
    - If there would be an eventual need of fix, please:
    - Mark the milestone as: 12.4.
    - Please add Neil and me as additional reviewers.

    That would also indicate that we do another release candidate when the
    issue is fixed.

    If everything goes right, this release candidate will become the voting
    candidate and the next action would be the vote on the release.



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