New info: I built from scratch NB 13 on MacOS this time. No plugins just
plain vanilla IDE.

*Product Version:* Apache NetBeans IDE 13-dev

*Java:* 18; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18+36

*Runtime:* OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18+36

*System:* Mac OS X version 10.15.7 running on x86_64; UTF-8; en_CH (nb)

*User directory:* ...

*Cache directory:* ...

I was able to debug it and reproduce the issue: just create a simple sample
NB app Maven project, run it and stop it. Then quit the IDE and even though
the process is terminated, it is not properly removed from the running
tasks list in the closing dialog.

The ExecutionEngine.fireExecutionStarted is called at the beginning but its
counterpart ExecutionEngine.fireExecutionFinished is not called. The issue
occurs in RunClassThread, where the call to "result = def.result();" blocks
infinitely and the "finish" callback is never invoked. This doesn't happen
with a simple Maven project. Somehow the thread group is not correct and
cannot finish. As I don't know this part of the IDE, I have no explanation

On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 6:01 PM Jean-Marc Borer <> wrote:

> Here one can see that there are no more processes running, however the IDE
> still believes there is a NB app.

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