More info:

*Java:* 17.0.3; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.3+7-LTS

*Runtime:* OpenJDK Runtime Environment 17.0.3+7-LTS

On Jun 4, 2022 at 10:58:17 AM, David Green <> wrote:

> +1
> MacBook Pro 2021 M1 Pro, Monterey 12.4
> Checksum check says "OK":
> shasum -a 512 -c Apache-NetBeans-14-bin-macosx.dmg.sha512
> Install works without issue and properly dismounts mounted .DMG and puts
> it in trash (when that option is chosen)
> Created a simple maven app.  Still has weird headers
> /*
>  * Click 
> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to 
> change this license
>  * Click 
> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Project/Maven2/JavaApp/src/main/java/${packagePath}/${mainClassName}.java
>  to edit this template
>  */
> Note that packagePath and mainClassName variables are **not** substituted
> for.
> It is an Intel app so it requires Rosetta on Mac.  Is there a timetable
> for addressing this in a later release?
> Installed a couple plug-ins (external formatter, gitignore) without issues
> Cut & Paste from another macOS app into NetBeans source editor works.
> Cut & Paste into terminal window require CTRL+Shift+X and CTRL+Shift+V (as
> shown on right-click).  **Should it be CMD instead of CTRL?**
> An existing JavaFX program builds runs from the GUI.
> Close NetBeans, Remove the 14 userdir then restart choosing to migrate 13
> settings.  No issues found.
> Thanks for all the efforts!
> Dave
> On Jun 4, 2022 at 12:51:37 AM, John Mc <> wrote:
>> Vote for Apache NetBeans 14 macOS installer.
>> Primary voting artefact :
>> SHA512 checksum :
>> b3cf4fbe65d29a8aea05d2e6d3fcec0f4417b4a425e7b012116fa181d9f8f888018cb29b7c0ca27bf68514cecc861796102c6e9e619317187fd983ae8a4a3e5a
>> Apache-NetBeans-14-bin-macosx.dmg
>> KEYS file :
>> PGP signature file :
>> Built locally using the artefacts found in the Jenkins job:
>> This vote is going to be open at least 72 hours, vote with +1, 0, and
>> -1 as usual. Please mark your vote with (binding) if you're an Apache
>> NetBeans PMC member.
>> This vote is dependent on the main Apache NetBeans 14 release vote
>> passing.
>> Regards
>> John

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