You were right Neil. After checking the add-opens and add-exports its working for me. So sorry for the noise and thanks.

On 6/21/22 16:53, Neil C Smith wrote:
On Mon, 20 Jun 2022 at 14:27, Joachim Rohde
<> wrote:
I realized that any NetBeans RCP project which uses Java 17 is unable to
use any copy/paste functionality. The IDE itself works (most of the
times) but if I start a small RCP project from within NetBeans the RCP
project is unable to copy/paste anything. Never.
I observed this under Linux and Windows. I'm not sure if it's the same
bug but maybe it could be an approach that's worthwhile investigating.

The RCP issue with 17 might be JPMS and other JDK change related?
Have you checked your add-opens and add-exports, as well as, against the IDE defaults?

Best wishes,


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