Hey all, I encountered a project using the @Nested annotation for test classes;

class ProjectTests {
        class HappyPath {
                void test_this_happy() {
        class SadPath {
                void test_this_sad() {

I was attempting to debug one of the nested tests and noted that nothing is 
executed. I have the surefire config;

NetBeans is executing;
-Pdevelopment process-test-classes surefire:test
This means the test is not found. On the command line I can run;
-Pdevelopment process-test-classes surefire:test
I saw this PR[1] from some time ago but it looks to have been abandoned. Was 
there any other work on this or should I have a look at getting this working? 
From a surefire pov it looks to simply be a case of class scanning for the 
nested annotation and ensuring the inner class is inserted into the command?

Thoughts welcome.

[1]: https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1069

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