Hi Brad and everyone else,

I'm sorry that like the last time I'm getting negative responses about what I'm 
doing. But, I have not and will not at any time force my work upon the group as 
it is clearly unwanted. However, for myself I will continue doing this. But, as 
you say Brad the code base is large and I have no intention of doing it all, 
just the parts that are of interest to me. So if anybody else feels the need to 
tell not to do it please don't waste your time I have no intention of 
interfering with the project.

As yet no-one has addressed my problems which are not related to what I'm doing



P.S., Perhaps I should just have sent an email with my problems. Oh well such 
is life.

On 2023295 17:43, Brad Walker wrote:

> I agree with everything that Michael said.
> I would also add if there is a particular file/s that has really, really bad 
> formatting (i.e. 8 tabs when only 1 is needed on multiple lines), so as to 
> make the file truly unreadable, then there might be an opportunity to fix 
> something like that. But, I would think that is pretty rare. It's a large 
> code base, so I could be wrong.
> Definitely trying to "boil the ocean" is frowned upon though.
> -brad w.
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 9:11 AM Michael Bien <mbie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> please don't reformat the code base :)
>> there is some room for periodic code cleanups which includes warning
>> fixes and general code improvements, but reviews quickly become *very*
>> time intensive since it is often not trivial to make sure that this
>> isn't causing regressions.
>> Formatting changes itself entail side effects like being noise while
>> using 'git blame' etc.
>> thanks && best regards,
>> -mbien
>> On 29.03.23 14:57, Jeremy Cavanagh wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> It's been quite a while since I have interacted with the group. First of 
>>> all may I congratulate everyone on the tremendous effort producing 
>>> repeatedly better versions of NetBeans. Secondly, may I apologise for the 
>>> length of this email.
>>> I suspect that everyone has forgotten my last email where I personally 
>>> found the source code hard to read and was going to embark upon an attempt 
>>> to reformat it. Well, that has turned out to be a significant task 
>>> requiring a great deal of manual intervention.
>>> Originally, I started with 12.1 but soon gave up when 12.2, 12.3 etc rolled 
>>> on rapidly. So I restarted at version 13. However, not really understanding 
>>> the structure I began with the ide cluster and after a lot of fumbling 
>>> around decided that this wasn't the right place and moved to the harness 
>>> and platform.
>>> Like Alice I fell down a rabbit hole into a veritable wonderland of 
>>> confusion and surprises.
>>> A simple, so I thought, reformat turned into:
>>> - Reformat to improve readability.
>>> - Correct inconsistent formatting within files.
>>> - Introduce a consistent use of comments:
>>> /**
>>> Javadoc
>>> */
>>> /*
>>> inline (not end of line) code comments
>>> */
>>> // Commented out code.
>>> - Remove unused imports and use single class imports not * imports.
>>> - Update code to be JDK11 compatible - gives cleaner code. Plus this had 
>>> already been made the minimum requirement for compiling and running the IDE.
>>> - Tried to make code GREEN by eliminating as many errors as possible 
>>> (warnings are just soft errors).
>>> - Eliminate, where possible, all obsolete code and preferably deprecated 
>>> code. That's easier said than done.
>>> - Make fields final where possible.
>>> - Reduce the use of 'else if', I've never really been a fan but I 
>>> particularly dislike the lack of a proper implementation of it in Java.
>>> - Make return values unmodifiable where necessary/possible.
>>> - Make full use of the internal formatter to handle formatting and reduce, 
>>> as much as possible, any manual intervention.
>>> - Remove unnecessary decoration.
>>> - Replace anonymous inner classes with lambda expressions where possible.
>>> - Remove 'unused assigned values'.
>>> - Change conditional statements from:
>>> testing a value against a variable, to:
>>> testing a variable against a value.
>>> - This includes:
>>> - ==, != and equals.
>>> - Parameters (in my language formal parameters) should be read from and 
>>> never written to within the method body. Parameters are input to the method 
>>> while return values and side-effects are the output from the method.
>>> - Correct 'inefficient use of string concatenation in logger'.
>>> - Constant name does not follow naming conventions.
>>> Plus many more...
>>> A lot of these where highlighted by the static analyser and therefore were 
>>> not particularly arduous to deal with.
>>> However, the whole process (as yet unfinished) has been time consuming, I 
>>> have visited some 5000 Java files and many have required multiple passes to 
>>> deal with all the problems. I estimate that it has taken me approximately 8 
>>> hours a day, 7 days a week for 12 months.
>>> But, I have now reached a point where I have some problems that I cannot 
>>> find a solution for and need your help/guidance.
>>> First, a few of the packages (17 of 114) in platform give me the error 
>>> message "cannot find item" and in some cases they are in the same package?
>>> Secondly, I cannot compile anything and therefore cannot test anything. I 
>>> get the error message:
>>> ant -f /Users/jeremycavanagh/netbeans-jc-cleaned/platform/api.io 
>>> -Djavac.includes=org/netbeans/api/io/Fold.java compile-single
>>> init-tasks:
>>> /Users/jeremycavanagh/netbeans-jc-cleaned/nbbuild/default.xml:31: taskdef 
>>> class org.netbeans.nbbuild.JNLPUpdateManifestStartup cannot be found
>>> using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
>>> BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
>>> I can only assume that my setup is incorrect for dealing with the NetBeans 
>>> source. I am using the source download for NB13 and have not changed 
>>> anything other than Java files.
>>> Kindest regards
>>> Jeremy
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