This was with NB 19-rc5 and the Gradle 8.3 release.

Project has the 'java-library' Gradle plugin applied.

I wanted to quickly try something in a Java library I was making, so I
wrote a main method and tried to run it by right-clicking on the source
file in the project tree and selecting Run File. It failed with the

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> Could not create task ':app:runSingle'.
   > Could not find "run" task to execute. Please upgrade your
configuration to use standard run-style tasks instead of deprecated

I don't think this is new with NB 19.
Adding the 'application' Gradle plugin allowed it to work.  Would it be
possible to allow this to work for 'java-library' projects?



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