NetBeans 19 performs more poorly than 18. I can copy and paste one or two items 
to an external program before I need to do a Copy, Cut, & Restore. This will 
work for about a half hour. It is also now refusing to accept pastes from 
external programs. Then today it reported missing libraries in a class. I had 
the exact same project open but in another folder and it was fine. I deleted 
the caches and it seems to be working. Sometimes it takes a web project name as 
is and uses it as the context and sometimes it makes all letters lower case. I 
resolved that by putting the context I want in glassfish-web.xml but that was 
not necessary previously. As I understand it NB works flawlessly in Linux and a 

I know that the in such a project that if there are issues, I should just pitch 
in and resolve them myself. Unfortunately, it will be simpler to change IDEs. 
Not really. For what it's worth the Eclipse IDE continues to have issues, so 
much so that it now has a restart button the closes and restarts the IDE. 
IntelliJ just wants you to work their way and would really rather not use 
Maven. Visual Code is cute but that's it. I feel like I will have to return to 
the dark ages of text editor and command line.

Is there a Windows QA group? Is there a TCK that runs on Windows that should be 
updated? Is there a document that clearly identifies where in the code base 
everything is? I use NetBeans many hours each day, currently on a project for 
the Eclipse Foundation, but I am running out of curse words. I embarrassed my 
self today when presenting my work to the Eclipse people and problems cropped 
up. What can I and what can we do? I guess as a last resort I could use ChatGPT 
or one of its relatives to write bad code for me.

My working environment is a Dell XPS desktop with an  i9, 32 Gb RAM, 1 TB SSD, 
Windows 11.


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