Can you invent your own MIME type for your file content (= is it some special - purpose JSON/XML) ? If so, then you could use (for XML) composed mime type text/javier-content+xml The editor pane will inherit everything registered for plain XML + you'll be able to register specific services for just the text/javier-content+xml

Similarly, you can invent application/javier-content+json for your JSON content.


On 08. 10. 23 18:28, Javier Llorente wrote:

I was wondering if it is possible to register a module-wide @ServiceProvider/

I want links found in a JSON/XML displayed by my module TopComponent's
JEditorPane to be opened by another instance of the same TopComponent. For
that purpose, I have another class that extends HtmlBrowser.URLDisplayer.
However, I don't want to be responsible for opening all links in NetBeans (ie:

Implementing a HyperlinkProviderExt (and registering MIME types "text/
plain" and "text/xml") improves the situation a bit; javadocs links are now
opened by an external browser but links found in any plain text or XML file are
also opened by my module.

Any suggestions?


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