It installed and is running flawlessly for me on Sonoma 14.1.1, using 
JDK21/Corretto.  Totally smooth.  I’ve been using the various RCs daily for 
work, and other than the project properties bug a few RCs ago, I’ve not tripped 
on anything.  (But I don’t push it too hard: I mostly work within the base SE 
features, and the JavaFX tools).  

> On Nov 14, 2023, at 10:17 AM, Neil C Smith <> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 at 19:28, Neil C Smith <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 at 14:37, Neil C Smith <> wrote:
>>> Testing and feedback would be appreciated before we commit to shipping
>>> this installer for the release.
>> A big thank you to everyone who tested the new installer - your
>> feedback was much appreciated!  I think it shows we're good to move to
>> this installer for the NB19 release, which will hopefully move to vote
>> next week.
>> I'm not intending to create another test installer for 19-rc5, so the
>> link on nightlies.a.o has now disappeared with the new rc build.
> As a follow up on this thread, I've just added a signed and notarized
> pkg installer for 20-rc4 to
> The bundle ID is different to the release, so can be tested without
> affecting an NB19 installation.
> Testing as we wind down towards NB20 release would be appreciated,
> including of terminal and profiler support from a signed installer on
> aarch64!
> Thanks,
> Neil
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