Well, I'd suggest if these things are bugging you, raise an issue.

However, it would be better to provide a PR. NetBeans is really easy to build. The EclipseLink library is in:

Should not be hard to add 3.1 there.

Usually those Libraries which are added to Ant projects are not that well maintained, as Ant projects are mainly used in education settings.

The second issue might be a bug, can be checked here:

On 11/22/23 16:09, Stephen G. Parry wrote:
Hi All,

I teach Computer Science in the UK at A Level, and our weapon of choice in the classroom is Netbeans. I have been trying to create some student-proof recipes for persistence and ORM across Desktop Swing, Desktop JavaFX and Jakarta EE Web. Up until now we have been using NB 15 and butting up against the problem that 15 does not support the new jakarta namespace for persistence. This leads to issues with JavaFX and other JPMS modular applications: to be actually able to package JavaFX apps that can be distributed to users, you need your project to be properly JPMS modular. For modular you need EclipseLink 4.0.2. EclipseLink 4.0.2 is JPA 3.1 which uses the new jakarta namespace. NB 15 persistence wizards cannot cope with anything beyond JPA 2.2. NB 19 works partially, but fails to recognize Jakarta entity classes when you try to create the controller classes.

I have been testing 20-RC4 and am happy to report that so far, RC4 persistence wizards seem to work with correctly with JPA 3.1, except for two glaring caveats:

1. There are no JPA 3.1 libraries in the Libraries list. Without a suitable entry in the list, JPA 3.1 does not appear as an option in the wizards, e.g. the Persistence Unit wizard. The project dependencies seem to have no effect on this. This can be worked around by creating a new library entry yourself and adding the jakarta persistence API, EclipseLink and Jakarta Activation API, plus javadocs and sources. This is a fiddly process.

2. If you do add the library entry, The new API is 'unlocked', but is incorrectly identified in the dropdown of the persistence unit wizard as EclipseLink (JPA 3.0)

I am unsure as to whether to raise both of these as issues. Opinions please?


Stephen Parry

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