Usually when I want to create a runtime container I just add <dependency> <groupId>org.netbeans.modules</groupId> <artifactId>org-netbeans-core-startup</artifactId> <version>${netbeans.version}</version> </dependency>
in the application pom and I'm good to go. Switching from RELEASE190 to RELEASE200 gave me this: Some included modules/bundles depend on these codenamebases but they are not included. The application will fail starting up. The missing codenamebases are: org.openide.util.lookup ref: [org.netbeans.core.startup.base, org.openide.modules] org.openide.util ref: [org.netbeans.core.startup.base, org.openide.modules] org.openide.util.ui ref: [org.openide.modules] org.openide.filesystems ref: [org.netbeans.core.startup.base] Adding them makes the program start but it will not pick up my module, as RELEASE190 did, with an @OnStart class. How do I do this with RELEASE200? /Patrik