On 17.08.24 22:23, Svata Dedic wrote:
Hi, all.
Hi Svata,
this ended up being a long one, sorry in advance. I honestly didn't
expect that this would be so controversial, otherwise i would have left
a few things out from the original mail.
I have a feeling that the thread combines (IMHO) unrelated things
together; unrelated things may lead to different conclusions.
maybe I was not able to convey this properly, but what I tried to do is
to pick examples from completely different areas of the IDE and connect
them to the question if problem x should be solved by the IDE or the
build tool.
Should the IDE build the project or the build tool?
Should the IDE run a single test case from this test or should the IDE
tell the build tool to run a specific test case?
Should the IDE download maven dependencies or should maven download
maven dependencies?
I also tried to point out what the consequence is if things are
implemented in the IDE in parallel to the build tool. Lets try again ;)
If replying, please consider to split your messages to cover just a
single issue (+ change the subject). I specifically ask for a favour
to discuss "priming" separately ;) since it touches my ongoing efforts
in project support area (yes, I plan to do something with maven
priming). I will do that for the subsequent replies.
Issue #1: Failing when the CLI fails.
On 14. 08. 24 23:26, Michael Bien wrote:
- if the build fails in CLI, it should also fail in your IDE
This is not exactly correct. We want the _build_ in the IDE to fail,
definitely _run_ to fail instead of some magic ...
If the maven build fails in my terminal, it should also fail if I
trigger the same build from NB.
If the project is so misconfigured that the maven exec plugin can't run
a file (on windows), I don't expect NB to run that file using the same
project configuration (!) (on windows). NB may be able to run that file
by dragging it into a different project - but this doesn't matter here!
Since the user asked NB to run the file with a _very specific_ project
configuration which happens to be not configured for the OS in question.
Yes the IDE or maven itself should help to resolve the issue (fully
agreed), so that the project is working fine again and can be run. I
disagree that "works in my IDE" is an intrinsic value of IDEs, to me its
a bug when this situation exists since it indicates that the _result_
might be different than from CLI too. It leads to more problems down the
If something works in IDE A, it should work in other IDEs too since the
magic is in the build tool. Devs can typically choose IDEs freely these
days without having to worry about this.
... but I think (!) we would REALLY like to display at least some
project structure or information EVEN THOUGH the build is terribly
misconfigured to the point that mere "gradle tasks" or "mvn
dependency:tree" would fail on on bad pom/build.gradle.
This is jumping to project loading/priming now I think. Yes I agree NB
should be able to open projects even if plugins/dependencies are not
downloaded yet. User should be able to open the pom, browse sources, and
use common project actions at the very least etc.
NB can also open any folder outside of project support. So even if the
pom isn't even parseable there could be a last-resort fallback which
opens pom and folder completely outside of the project support system.
Once fixed, right click -> open project (action already exists). (drag
folders into NB, there is already support for project-less folders too)
This is where the tool does 'extra magic' to recover from errors, to
get at least some information, and possibly process other parts of the
project unlike CLI that tends to fail fast on the first problem.
I mean yes, but this really depends on the situation. The xml editor
will tell if the pom isn't valid xml, once its valid maybe it already
opens as project. Once its open, the project support will be able to
display in-editor hints for the remaining problems etc. So yes those
kind of recovery paths are of great value, IDEs are like a toolbox. But
its a path and it has a beginning and an end and some steps might need
to be solved in particular order.
I don't see the value of being able build a maven project with a half
parsed pom.xml for example (its a configuration file, no list of
instructions). I don't even think anyone would expect that IDEs would be
able to do that. If there is a red marker in a project config file, it
should become priority 1.
Lets do things in the right order: step one: fix the project :)
(Then we don't have to worry about running broken projects)
Issue #2: Forcing user go "our way"
Windows has process arg-length limitations (additional to the better
known filepath limitations) [...] So instead of adding magic [...] a
much better approach would be to detect the situation and tell the
user that the build is broken. Since often all the user would have to
do is to add '<longClasspath>true</longClasspath>' to the right
plugin. (#7582, ...)
Older versions of the maven wrapper for example had a bug which broke
execution when certain file paths were used. Instead of adding a
workaround for this in NB (which would have to be maintained forever
and could itself cause problems), all NB could do is to notify the
user and then run 'maven wrapper:wrapper' once - thats it!
While I agree this is the _best solution_ and the IDE should:
- warn the user
- offer the user to fix it
the user may not be in position to do such change. He may not own the
project, or some process may prevent him for changing it. Yes, it may
be done locally - and is the right choice if one just wants to play
with an ancient project at local machine, but annoying if one has to
work with codebase unable to make 'the right thing' happen.
This is the reality of software development though. Code ages since the
environment moves forward.
I have some old ant projects I wrote back with NB ~4.5, those can't be
opened with NB 22 without upgrading them first to a newer project revision.
"Upgrade Working Copy" dialog will show up, if I press "no" it won't
open. If i press "yes" it will update some ant build files and it opens
- this is the right way of handling things IMO and it is already in NB
since ages.
The "outdated maven wrapper" issue is almost the exact analog to the
outdated ant project issue (just 20y later). Adding workarounds to NB
which allows edge cases with certain paths to run on outdated maven
wrappers and having to maintain those workarounds forever, makes no
sense to me. *Esp* when the alternative is to simply update a single
wrapper file by advising the user to run wrapper:wrapper or risk not
being able to run maven.
#7558 the workaround itself could cause problems since it is applied to
all (!) wrapper versions. The IDE invokes the wrapper differently to the
terminal equivalent now. Even when the wrapper is already up2date!
-> less magic is the better option here again.
So if the user does not follow the good advice, the IDE should not
_fail_ - and maybe he should be even allowed to suppress the warning.
Depends on the concrete situation. Both examples (wrapper and exec
classpath) have very simple solutions which can be directly applied
(update wrapper or switch to bundled maven or take the risk to fail /
update plugin config in pom or set -DlongClasspath=true). No workarounds
required within NB.
In other situations, fallbacks might not be possible.
The tool should not force a specific way of operation to the user; our
tools should help the user even in an imperfect world.
Right, IDEs shouldn't force anything upon the user (IDEs are fancy text
editors), they should help the user to make decisions and resolve an
issue if something is wrong. One of NBs strengths is that there never
was a "netbeans project", NB could run ant, maven and later gradle
projects with no or minimal extra configuration. (NB predates ant, but
you know what I mean)
There never was a vendor or IDE lock-in.
But if the project literally can't be built in the terminal using
ant/maven/gradle (due to spaces in the path or whatever), NB should also
not be able to build it! *Esp* if the solution to the problem is as
trivial as bumping a wrapper to the next point release, or using a combo
box to switch to a non-wrapper maven version.
A few releases from now, nobody will care about this outdated wrapper
version anymore - it would be wasted effort to keep supporting it.
-> less magic is better again, lets help users to fix the projects in
cases where the fix is obvious
Issue #3: CoS
Simple counter-example: Eclipse and vscode with Microsoft Java
extension pack have far greater market share than NetBeans. Yet
Eclipse (and the vscode extension pack that is derived from Eclipse)
uses CoS by default. If a crowd jumps off a cliff, it's worth to think
one more time before following it over the edge...
But still, the concept survives so broad usage. So either all that
crowd using JDT-based tools is incompetent or it is not the concept
itself, but rather our implementation what is bad. More probably
probably, there are scenarios that do not fit our working style, but
the 'market survey' done by our "competitors" shows that it still fits
CoS comes naturally to IDEs like Eclipse since they started out by
building projects. There was the concept of an "eclipse project" (I
honestly don't know if it still exists, I haven't seen those in a
while), and you could literally build things using eclipse, without ant,
maven or gradle using it's own eclipse compiler and configuration files etc.
In early days i worked in eclipse projects which could not be built with
javac anymore. This was the extreme version of works-in-my IDE.
NB _integrates_ with ant/maven/gradle. In a way, NetBeans was usually
the better "integrated development environment" than the competition
(speaking of early days again), since Sun tried to integrate with tools,
servers etc, instead of reinventing things inside the IDE again. NB was
probably the IDE with the best ant support.
With Maven and its very bad non-caching, non-incremental behaviour,
CoS may be more important. If Netbeans' "run / compile" project action
worked on the reactor level rather than on a single project, maven's
behaviour would quickly become a major PITA. But doing a reactor build
with --also-make is The Right Thing(tm) after a change.
I am mostly indifferent to CoS these days. I used it frequently back
in my "web application" days, when webapps run exploded and the
testing container simply recycled the classloader. I wholeheartedly
agree that CoS will be always broken, no matter how good the
implementation could be.
agreed! Since we here on this mailing list are NB maintainers we have
the responsibility to figure out how broken it can become before we have
to do something about it.
Today its quite broken already. If there is still some life in it - lets
keep it a bit longer and make the warning dialog a bit more scary.
CoS is a non-trivial feature which goes through a big part of the code
base (from maven event spies which communicate over loggers with NB to
code scanning and debugger). Since we have limited resources as apache
project (devs willing to spend time fixing/improving things), it could
be healthy to focus on tool integration instead of the "NetBeans build
When did you see the last CoS bug fix? Is there empirical evidence that
this is still maintained?
Issue #4: Priming.
This lead to more magic during project load. If you open a maven
project in NB and don't have a ~/.m2/ folder yet, you will notice
that it automatically downloads and installs plugins and dependencies
I think there's a conceptual misunderstanding what "priming" should
achieve. Forget about "priming build" - that's just an implementation,
and not necessarily a good one.
Priming is here mostly to ensure that Code Completion can work, the
IDE can resolve symbols and underline errors (without actually
compiling through the build system, right ?) etc. In the case of
Maven, priming also makes sure that (non-local) parent POM gets to the
machine. Without a parent POM many properties (i.e. versions) are not
defined, plugins are not bound to phases. As a result, the IDE's view
on what the project consists of (dependencies) and what technologies
are used (plugins invoked in the lifecycle) is completely broken.
The misconception is that the priming HAS TO be done through the build
tool. Priming is NOT for the build tool, priming is here for the IDE.
Things that the "priming" (whatever the implementation is) does must
produce results that the IDE can consume.
I don't think we disagree on what priming is. Getting a dependency is
one aspect of priming. A dependency can be the nbm-maven-plugin which is
required before NB knows what "nbm" packaging is or a parent pom yes.
My point is that priming _should_ be done with help of the build tool -
never said that it _can't_ be done outside of build tools.
In a way, downloading the 2.5gb maven index and then processing it for 5
minutes is also priming - but lets not get crazy here ;)
If the maven execution produces "something" in a way the IDE's code is
not prepared to consume (such as downloading artifacts to different
locations) ... the IDE will not get it anyway, although the machine
may be fully set up from Maven's perspective. There are pieces of code
that *assume* certain local repository layout (also true for gradle
support). If the 'maven outcome' misses these assumptions, the IDE
will be broken despite proper build tool execution. In these parts, we
need to do "more IDE magic" by extracting more information from the
Maven model or use Maven's libraries to solve more queries.
Sure NB scans ~/.m2, settings.xml, pom.xml, sources, JDK, other opened
projects etc. In no way I advocate to remove any of this. (it works
pretty well too I think)
I sincerely doubt someone in Maven will implement this binding as it
is of no value for Maven.
I am actually not so sure about this. Some things might be worth
implementing as maven plugins. Gradle has even a tooling API.
maveniverse:toolbox is a user facing CLI toolbox, who says there
couldn't be something like this for IDEs if there is the need for it?
MIMA (https://github.com/maveniverse/mima) exists already too as maven
resolver "tooling API".
However, so far it looks to me like the core maven plugins would already
bring us quite close to what we need for priming (some, more complex
projects will always need to be built).
For maven, priming was historically implemented as a "Project Problem"
resolving action executing "package" or "install" goals. But I think
this is wrong way: for example, we do not _need_ to install build
plugins. The IDE will not use them -- it will just load the Maven
configuration model. No build plugins (and their dependencies) -> less
download -> less time.
I am not advocating to install everything but at the same time I also
highly doubt that this is the right attribute to optimize for. The local
repo is a cache - lets use the cache. Downloading (missing) build
plugins should not be something NB should worry about - those are
required to build the project.
Lets ask the user if the pom is trusted, then let maven download the
plugins, refresh the project and call it a day.
And optimizing this is still possible, even go-offline can be configured
to ignore transitive dependencies and various other things. I could even
imagine running it in multiple rounds if we want the first results as
early as possible.
regarding not wanting to "install" everything into the local repo:
this is another reason why we should prime using maven - since right now
NB breaks this feature already while opening the first project.
Doing build (as it is done now) actually compiles the source. But the
source is often broken; so the compilation fails silently. We use
specific flags to "compile" as much of the reactor as possible ... but
we do not _need_ sources compilation for IDE operation. All what is
needed is to "somehow" get the referenced dependencies to the local
machine. With a maven build, it is hard to interpret if 'priming'
actually fails - or if it is "the other stuff" during install/package
execution that failed.
The notable exception is a scenario when a Plugin generates some
resources - which are then used in a compilation. That seems not as
common as I would expect - but has to be supported, even if going, for
example, through the "dependency:go-offline" path.
Sure, the user will have to press build at some point (often even as
first action after opening the project). Esp when code generation is
involved. Only the build tool truly knows how to build the project. NB
has no chance to keep up with this without reimplementing maven or
interpreting the build instructions on the project's README ;)
Covering all edge cases is not worth the effort and/or realistic when
the fix to the problem is something between "dependency:go-offline" or
in worst case recursive "maven install --fail-never".
Even downloading dependencies may not be enough: as Maven relies on
reactor project outcomes to be "installed", the model building may
fail on an never-compiled (and installed) project part; I don't
remember exactly but I tried to use go-offline about 1.5 year ago, and
my attempt to ditch the current "priming build" failed on something
like that. Surely solvable by 'more magic' during project model (for
IDE!) build - I run out of time in that attempt, and I need to retry.
Well, it depends. Sometimes it is not even desired to resolve to
installed artifact dependencies. If a user opens two projects NB is
often smart enough to resolve/navigate to the other project's source
code if it is the dependency, instead of the artifacts source code jar
in the repo.
go-offline will not work in all cases (obviously). But no priming logic
outside of maven will! We would replace one imperfect solution which we
have to maintain, with another imperfect solution we don't have to
maintain + there is the option to contribute something to go-offline (or
some other plugin).
Just ask the user what to do:
1) build project right away (perfect project support apart of
maven-indexer priming for power users)
2) try downloading dependencies, invoke a phase like "validate" or a
goal directly (possible imperfect project support)
3) do nothing and live with error markers and do 1) or 2) later
(likely imperfect project support unless there is enough in the cache
already to work well enough for the user)
Running a (regular) build by the user is not a good option, if it is
the only way: the sources may be broken, the build will fail in the
middle ... leaving the dependencies half initialized (up to the failed
module). Regular (maven) builds do not use --fail-at-end
again: lets not think binary here. Sometimes "maven verify --fail-never"
will be the best option, sometimes some shortcut will be better.
"dependency issue detected, try building the project or its
dependencies" would already communicate the problem to the user.
I insist on that the IDE must be able to open and operate well on a
fresh checkout on a pristine machine - even though the [java] sources
(!) are not compilable at the moment. And that means "do not fail,
when the CLI fails".
I would even like to see NB being still somewhat useful while
temporarily offline. But this is a "nice to have" no "must have".
Gradle support downloads its plugins (it cannot configure the project
without plugin beans, actually) - but does not execute build tasks,
just uses the *build system* to download, and build the configuration
model - which is then dumped and read by the IDE.
To get more technical - even having 'an agent' in a buildsystem's
process or daemon (as Gradle does now) is not 'easy and clean'
solution. The agent has to vary between buildsystem major versions
(gradle now has conditional parts, and even version-specific
reflective access, as gradle API changes rapidly and even
incompatibly); that's comparable to modularized "embedder". Maven
internal processing allows to get huge amount of positional
information (cannot compare with Gradle :) as gradle does not retain
much AST information internally); in a computed MavenProject, one can
find declaration origins in merged configuration -- this is hard to
reproduce, as it would replicate Maven's own logic. An agent would
have to serve this information.
Using dependency:go-offline itself achieves only very little in terms
of multiple Maven version support, reliability of the IDE project model.
any priming logic outside of maven which literally downloads stuff into
the local repo will face the exact same problems. dependency:go-offline
is one tool in the box.
And yes the fact that NB embeds maven is already a compromise. Some
in-editor hints struggle with that issue. This will become interesting
again once someone attempts to upgrade the embedder to maven 4.
I do also expect mvnd to become more used once mvnw is able to deploy
it. Since many projects use mvnw which excludes mvnd a bit atm from
being experimented with.
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