My thoughts: I think you should strive for transfer of the domain to apache.

As oracle will continue to handle the updates of the non-apache versions, it will need to keep a webservice for providing these updates.

A webserver @ apache listening to kan forward the requests to Or the domainname can point to a service within oracle infra. The responsibility to keep up this server/lookup can be agreed in the transfer contract.

This way the domain can be transfered to apache, and old installations in the field can keep receiving the updates.

For new (apache) installations in the field, they can query another url, for instance '', but they can also query with an other path, which can be used to distinguish between different forwards. It all depends on the updates service capabilities (thinking of CDN solutions).

Maybe serving non-apache data from an apache owned domain, needs to be checked by apache-legal.

Also apache-infra needs to know what kind of load to expect on

G. Simon

On 05-04-17 16:17, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
Hi all, especially our mentors,

When we donate and related properties to Apache, there's one
area that's important to be aware of and hopefully find an answer to and
that is the following URL:

When everything becomes, the above URL will need to
stay the way it is, it cannot become ''.

The reason for that is that the above is hardcoded into NetBeans IDE. It
points to the official NetBeans update center, where plugins are found.

Although the URL is not hardcoded in the sense that it is in a Java source
file, it is in a Properties file and can be changed in the Plugin Manager
in NetBeans by any user. However, we don't believe the majority of people
will apply such an update to NetBeans, therefore if  the URL were to change
under Apache, the majority of NetBeans users will still have "" applied and will be not be able to receive updates.

For example, what can happen, once in a while, is that security updates
need to be applied to NetBeans, based on Oracle requirements and demands,
on previous versions of NetBeans, i.e., from before the donation to Apache.

Therefore, '' must stay '' and not
change to ''.

Two possible solutions:

1. We donate all of to Apache, but Apache accepts that '' will not be changed to ''.

2. We do not donate '' to Apache, i.e., we exclude it
from the donation.

Thoughts welcome.



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