Here is the change that would have to be applied to incubator-netbeans 
repository to use these new bits:

I have verified that 

$ ant -f api.htmlui test

passes OK, so at least a basic sanity check looks fine.

>> Jaroslav Tulach <>: 08.10.17 @ 20:11 <<
> FYI: I've just uploaded the binary bits to a staging repository. One can
> find them at:
> repositories_orgapidesign-2D1064_&d=DwICAg&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YT
> pkKY057SbK10&r=tnLz5-vaI8x9g_xBBlFGf_ldS0-TN1M3i9fMP1FPWgk&m=8x20J2kd_cDMoay
> xF2QiGLYCwW1eRSnBQEJ1FgxOO4M&s=tXHzeWl9ita3LAwu-r6wcSVI_CqPDabFf7QtfY4Hg1k&e
> =
> The bits were generated by the following two commands:
> $ mvn -DskipTests -Pjvnet-release -Pgpg javadoc:jar source:jar gpg:sign
> deploy $ mvn -DskipTests -Pjvnet-release -Pgpg javadoc:jar source:jar
> gpg:sign deploy -rf :xhr4j
> If the Apache source release of HTML/Java API 1.5 is approved as is, I
> release the binary bits from staging to central Maven repository.
> -jt
> >> Jaroslav Tulach <>: 08.10.17 @ 13:41 <<
> > 
> > Hi guys,
> > I've set a Jenkins job up which can prepare a release bits of HTML/Java
> > API
> > and gives instructions how to build the ZIP file and test it:
> > 
> >
> > w_
> > Incubator-2520Projects_job_incubator-2Dnetbeans-2Dhtml4j-2Drelease_&d=DwI
> > CAg
> > &c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=tnLz5-vaI8x9g_xBBlFGf_ld
> > S0-
> > TN1M3i9fMP1FPWgk&m=E9TyQqlfYKQICYZzS4LxiYQvdunRTB0SQqisUWY0gBQ&s=McZ-Tmdk
> > w-Z RKLCiugZzZFR_96JRrFgh1_kNfCr_KfM&e=
> > 
> > after a bit of configuration struggling the [build #16](https://
> >
> > release/16/) seems to deliver releasable ZIP file:
> > 
> >
> > w_
> > Incubator-2520Projects_job_incubator-2Dnetbeans-2Dhtml4j-2Drelease_16_art
> > ifa
> >
> > R8P
> > QcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=tnLz5-vaI8x9g_xBBlFGf_ldS0-TN1M3i9fMP1FPWgk&m=E9
> > TyQ
> > qlfYKQICYZzS4LxiYQvdunRTB0SQqisUWY0gBQ&s=StYF_54lhLKMEdPpJY5ceaIm78UzvFDG
> > E1N lXydDbAg&e=
> > 
> > It's md5sum is a45bda33200c208d0d837b0746a7dcce.
> > 
> > I've done the basic testing on Linux, as well as I tried to use the
> > version
> > 1.5 in Bck2Brwsr VM (works fine) and TeaVM which needed a [bit of
> > patching]
> > (
> > pe
> > r_teavm_pull_304&d=DwICAg&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r
> > =tn
> > Lz5-vaI8x9g_xBBlFGf_ldS0-TN1M3i9fMP1FPWgk&m=E9TyQqlfYKQICYZzS4LxiYQvdunRT
> > B0S QqisUWY0gBQ&s=21silm-FGH5xnXU2nLLv66jGiJo1L84eQjS-S8s_DRo&e= ). In any
> > case the HTML/Java API seems releasable from my point of view.
> > 
> > This is the first attempt to perform Apache release of NetBeans HTML/Java
> > API. As such there are almost no new features. Mostly just licensing
> > changes, bugfixes and other little tweaks. See Javadoc section about post
> > 1.4 release improvements:
> > 
> >
> > _i
> > ncubator-2Dnetbeans-2Dhtml4j-2Dlinux_javadoc_&d=DwICAg&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvl
> > ZYR
> > 8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=tnLz5-vaI8x9g_xBBlFGf_ldS0-TN1M3i9fMP1FPWgk&m=
> > E9T
> > yQqlfYKQICYZzS4LxiYQvdunRTB0SQqisUWY0gBQ&s=4NB8qKUlNtxJq0vZARb0xp9P2x9wfE
> > zaJ LOdSW4lnZs&e=
> > 
> > Please take the ZIP file for a spin and vote to approve the release
> > and to request the approval of the Incubator PMC to publish it on
> > our site.
> > 
> > Everyone is encouraged to vote, including non-committers.
> > 
> > This vote shall close in the usual 72 hours.
> > -jt
> > 
> > PS: I am keeping my fingers crossed, hoping things go well.

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