Hi all,

From time to time we need to patch external sources to generate external binaries [1].

In other situations we may need to download a Maven binary and then extract a part of it to compile against [2].

And for some other modules the Maven binaries are signed with a digital certificate (eclipse mainly) and we may want to remove the signature (if that affects performance, for example).

All these situations are currently handled by hooking into the -javac-init projectized-common ant task, in the build.xml file, like this:

<target name="-javac-init" depends="-prepare-patched-binary, projectized-common.-javac-init" />

I was wondering if ...

- ... it would be a good idea to create a new ant target in projectized-common specifically for this situation, say "preprocess-binaries", or "prepare-binaries". - ... What other things could we do here? For all of you that have reviewed modules, would you benefit of such a new target?


[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/pull/172
[2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/pull/181

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