-1, until we resolve these issues reported by Ate.

Thanks, Ate, for reporting them,

P.S.: I'll have some time tonight (EU time) to help solve them.

2017-11-08 0:04 GMT+01:00 Ate Douma <a...@douma.nu>:
> I get a different build error:
> /home/ate/tmp/netbeans/netbeans-platform-source-platform-9.0-alpha/nbbuild/build.xml:122:
> Download of
> 276009D3F0A27079A80D241C3183EC712305A42A-net.java.html.boot.script-1.5.jar
> produced content with hash 5DE9DD70EDCD9B30E0671ACC813F6F0C80E951AA when
> 276009D3F0A27079A80D241C3183EC712305A42A was expected
> But disregarding the above, I think a more serious, blocking, issue is
> that AFAICT *not* all platform modules have been reviewed yet.
> I notice this release candidate includes the apisupport.harness module.
> And that still has status "To do". Furthermore, it depends on the *GPL*
> external jsearch-2.0_05.jar which is a no-go... for the ASF.
> See: https://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-x
> I haven't looked in more detail yet, but before spending more time on it
> I'd like to know if the inclusion of the harness module is an oversight
> which can be quickly fixed. Regardless, I think this should be fixed first.
> Note that the binary also includes the jsearch jar.
> And while the binary isn't the release itself, if/when a convenience
> binary is provided *then* it needs to be in compliance with the
> distribution rules. So no GPL artifacts allowed.
> I also see the bundled LICENSE and NOTICE files in the binary zip
> are a bit weirdly formatted and the NOTICE file in particular.
> Seems both are produced by concatenating several files together, but
> the result is confusing, especially the NOTICE file.
> The NOTICE file should only contain what is needed, nothing
> more. Of the current content only the OSGi Alliance notice seems to be
> needed, beside the base NOTICE header.
> The LICENSE file correctly lists and appends the 3rd party licenses,
> but:
> a) The jsearch GPL-2-CP license obviously shouldn't be there (see above)
> b) The jemmy *external* libraries are available under CDDL or GPL-2-CP,
>    in which case we simply 'pick' CDDL and don't need to include/append
>    the GPL-2CP license too.
>    This is (AFAIK) not blocking, but preferred to remove the GPL-2-CP
>    license text as it easily can 'trip' casual reviewers or even
>    automatic license scanning tools which may draw the wrong conclusion.
>    (and why is jemmy an external dependency and not part of the code
>     donation?)
> Finally, I tried to start the binary.
> Sorry for probably being a noob here but I can't figure out if I'm doing
> something wrong or the binary itself has a problem.
> If I try to just run the bin/netbeans shell script, I get the following
> error:
> WARNING [org.netbeans.core.startup.Main]
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.netbeans.license.AcceptLicense starting
> from org.netbeans.MainImpl$BootClassLoader@1c20c684 with possible defining
> loaders null and declared parents ]
>         at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.getKlass(Main.java:341)
> Ate

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