On Mon, 22 Jan 2018 14:14:34 -0500
"William L. Thomson Jr." <wlt...@o-sinc.com> wrote:

> Built entirely under Java 9, with all dependencies from source as
> well, also under Java 9. It is coming along quite well, albeit slowly.
> I have an initial Java editor, though no code completion, and still no
> actual Java Editor, as in the actual package/plugin java.editor. 

I am hung up here due to dependencies, specifically spi.java.hints
dependency on byte-buddy, needing lombok, the problem package.

spi.java.hints is pretty core to all Java editor features, code
completion, help, javadoc, etc. Thus preventing further progress there
till I can get around issues.

To build byte-buddy from source, including all deps. You need lombok.
To package lombok from source you need some 70+ Eclipse libraries from
Eclipse IDE... I had both packaged, but Lombok has issues with Java 9
blocking byte-buddy build under Java 9. Which may have its own issues.

I have opened a issue on byte-buddy requesting they use something other
than Lombok, maybe Google AutoValue. You can see the eclipse deps. I
have experimented a bit with porting byte-buddy from lombok to
autovalue, without success thus no PR.

Really not ideal when building Netbeans dependencies from source to
need stuff from Eclipse. Netbeans Git support also comes from Eclipse.
Though Eclipse JGit does not have that many dependencies. That is minor.

One optional thing I packaged for Local Tasks, It also brings in a
BUNCH of eclipse stuff... I think some 30+ eclipse packages.

Not sure people are aware of the Eclipse dependencies to building
Netbeans. Most are indirect deps of byte-buddy/lombok. If byte-buddy
switches from Lombok, that will resolve a bunch of those. If not may
need to see if there is alternative to byte-buddy for spi.java.hints.
Just leaving localtasks, which maybe ok to have ~30 or so Eclipse

William L. Thomson Jr.

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