On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 at 16:41 Antonio <anto...@vieiro.net> wrote:

> Then could restrict wiki editing to the team, using the editor for
> ourselves, and allow the world to submit PRs against 'X'.

If we're doing that and not allowing wider permissions, I don't see that we
gain much by adding cloning between.   Surely we can just run a standard
repo and forget the GH wiki specifically - we can still edit online.  The
only thing we really lose is the toolbar, but that was more with wider
access in mind - if we're doing PRs then doesn't seem much point.

If we find we want a better UI later, there are options (like Netlify CMS,
but also others).  Mind you, not sure if any support asciidoc over markdown
- was there a particular reason you went with that?

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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