Hi Jens,
that is interesting. Thanks for sharing it. I will give it a try.
best regards
> Hi
> I am testing a little bit with Custom Runtime Images for our RCP
> Application and want to share my experiences. Our custom image is
> created by the following Ant snippet.
> ${gtbjdk.home} is the used JDK home directory and ${gtbjdk.dir} is the
> destination folder name.
>      <loadresource property="jlink-modules">
>        <concat>
>          <union>
>            <string>java.desktop,</string>
>            <string>java.instrument,</string>
>            <string>java.logging,</string>
>            <string>java.naming,</string>
>            <string>jdk.localedata,</string>
>            <string>jdk.management,</string>
>            <string>jdk.pack,</string>
>            <string>jdk.jdwp.agent,</string><!-- only to be able to debug
> the rcp app -->
>          </union>
>        </concat>
>      </loadresource>
>      <loadresource property="jlink-locales">
>        <concat>
>          <union>
>            <string>en,</string>
>            <string>de,</string>
>            <string>pt-BR,</string>
>          </union>
>        </concat>
>      </loadresource>
>      <exec executable="${gtbjdk.home}/bin/jlink${jlinkext}"
> failonerror="true" if:set="dojlink">
>        <env key="JAVA_HOME" path="${gtbjdk.home}"/>
>        <arg value="--strip-debug"/>
>        <arg value="--no-header-files"/>
>        <arg value="--no-man-pages"/>
>        <arg value="--output"/>
>        <arg value="${temp.dir.rest}/${gtbjdk.dir}"/>
>        <arg value="--module-path"/>
>        <arg value="${gtbjdk.home}/jmods"/>
>        <arg value="--add-modules"/>
>        <arg value="${jlink-modules}"/>
>        <arg value="--include-locales=${jlink-locales}"/>
>        <!--<arg value="- -vm=server"/>-->
>      </exec>
>      <echo level="info" if:set="dojlink">Created JRE in
> ${temp.dir.rest}/${gtbjdk.dir}</echo>
> The tasks are executed as dependecy of the "build-zip" target and after
> "build-launchers". On Success the generated JRE-Path is set directly in
> our app.conf:
>      <available file="${temp.dir.rest}/${gtbjdk.dir}"
> property="gtbjre.exist"/>
>      <replace if:set="gtbjre.exist"
>               file="${build.launcher.dir}/etc/${app.name}.conf"
>               value="jdkhome=./${gtbjdk.dir}">
>        <contains text="#jdkhome"/>
>        <replacetoken><![CDATA[#jdkhome="/path/to/jdk"]]></replacetoken>
>      </replace>
> The generated Runtime Image is about 64 MB from an Oracle JDK 9.0.4 (win64)
> Greetings
> Jens

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