Hi everyone,
A few weeks ago someone named Toni asked a question here how could he help
with contributing code, asking for directions on what to do.
Here's the thread link:
The response was to go try help someone else develop springboot plugin, but
no clear directions.

Here I am in the same situation, trying to reboot my NBP development and
wondering once again how to actually contribute.

I first headed to: https://netbeans.apache.org/ one of the big links says "
Participate <https://netbeans.apache.org/participate/index.html>". Ok.
There's a separate page for "Contributing Code
<https://netbeans.apache.org/participate/submit-pr.html>", but it doesn't
give much useful info, it tells you there's a JIRA instance with a link
leading to some strange summary page
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/NETBEANS/summary> and tells you
how to set up git, but it doesn't tell you anything about setting up the
project/dev env.

So I cloned the github repo once again. I see a gazillion folders which are
all NB modules. I don't see a single module suite or nbp app that can be
run. How should one proceed? Can you please show an example of a simple
"contribution" (which can be anything)?

I can open each module separately in the IDE, but AFAIK each module's
dependencies at this point actually come from the platform that comes with
the IDE itself. At least that's what I see when I right click a module and
select properties. That doesn't look right.

How do I try out my changes? The download
<https://netbeans.apache.org/download/index.html> page tells you how to
build IDE from scratch, but that takes forever. The only way I see is to
generate an NBM and try installing it into the running IDE, which also
doesn't look the right way.

I've already asked in this mailing list if there is an example of an app
built on top of platform 9.0 and Gj pointed to visualvm
<https://github.com/oracle/visualvm>. That one comes with its own platform
How do we make our own with only the clusters needed?

This email starts getting too long, but I guess the premise is clear -
what's the entry point for contributions? I'm following this project and
the dev mailing list, and still I couldn't find anything in a reasonable
amount of time.

One suggestion is to choose one specific commit on github right now, use it
as a starting point of the codebase. Also select one simple issue from JIRA
(better probably to create a fake one to use as an example) and walk
through all the steps from getting the code to fixing the issue and
publishing the PR.


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