There seems to be quite a lot of NetBeans supporters at incoming GeeCON in
Prague. As such:

Dear Apache NetBeans fans,
let's meet on Wed Oct 17, at 19.00 on Malostranské square:
and let's do a little tour around Faculty of Mathematics and Physics where
NetBeans (at that time project Xelfi) was created. Then let's visit pub [U
bílé kuželky]( where the initial design
of NetBeans was lively discussed and shaped. Let's use this opportunity
for a meetup of former and new NetBeans maintainers.

Let's meet at 19.00 on the tram station (trams 12, 15, 20, 22 can be used
to get there). Be there at time - we can't delay the tour much, as at 19.30
we have to be in the pub [U bílé kuželky](
Who misses the tour can go directly to the pub. I did a reservation of few

See you!
Jaroslav Tulach
NetBeans Founder and one of the initial Xelfi project students

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