Hello NetBeaners,

I finished my grammar based on ANTLR. The current version satisfies me.
However since it is my first attempt I would highly appreciate if someone
from this thread could have a look and comment if something could be
improved. I know that you guys might be busy with the new release, so I
will be very thankful for a little bit of your time.

The the grammar can be found here:

Thanks in advance!

Am So., 4. Nov. 2018 um 05:13 Uhr schrieb Tim Boudreau <niftin...@gmail.com

> I'd strongly recommend going with Antlr-4 - it is very nice.
> There is one impedance mismatch to be aware of, to save a few hours of
> cursing both Antlr and NetBeans' lexer infrastructure: Antlr may give you
> an EOF token that is non-empty - check it, or you won't consume all the
> characters from the input, and if you don't, an exception will be thrown
> saying you didn't consume all the characters. The LexerInput you get passed
> has to get entirely consumed before you return a null to indicate you've
> lexed the entire input. If it wasn't, the infrastructure assumes that's a
> bug.
> One other non-obvious thing: If your grammar users channels to ignore
> whitespace or comments when parsing, make sure:
>  - that when you're lexing you use a stream that returns ALL the tokens on
> ALL channels (if using CommonTokenStream pass -1 for the channel, if you're
> wrappering LexerInput, you're all set)
>  - conversely, when parsing, make sure you use a stream that only returns
> channel 0 tokens, or you will think your parser is broken when it isn't)
> Having written several modules that add language support using Antlr, I've
> considered factoring some of the always the same stuff (generating token
> id's from a vocabulary, stuff like that) into a support module.
> Over the past few weeks I've been doing some heavy duty work on the
> NetBeans Antlr plugin in github, which appears to be abandoned and was in
> need of a few features - like being able to syntax highlight files in a
> language under development and do error highlighting of them, and refresh
> that when the grammar is edited (which involves a level of hackery
> bordering in evil, since it means working around all of the declarative
> mechanisms for languages, data loaders, mime resolvers and everything else
> to be installed, to allow something to imperatively make languages appear
> out of the ether with all their editor plumbing, then change, then vanish).
> When there's something reasonably non fragile to test, I'll post here.
> I'd suggest using Maven for your plugin, as the Maven Antlr plugin is
> pretty easy to set up, and results in a pretty easy to understand structure
> for things.
> -Tim
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 3:37 PM Mario Schroeder <ma.schroe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would appreciate when someone could set me on the right track. I'm
> > wondering what is the best way to write a plugin with a support for a new
> > language.
> >
> > I have found this old tutorial:
> > http://wiki.netbeans.org/How_to_create_support_for_a_new_language
> > It uses JavaCC. The tutorial is linked to another one, which makes use of
> > ANTLR. When I have a look at NetBeans source code, there are some
> templates
> > written with JFlex. So I'm confused. Which one should I use?
> >
> > I would prefer ANTLR, since there seems to be more documentation for it.
> > Does anyone have a recommendation?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Mario
> >
> --
> http://timboudreau.com

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