HTTPS not supported ☹.

Best regards,
Eduardo Quintanilla
Software Developer 
Block Networks 

-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio <> 
Sent: viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018 1:52 p. m.
Subject: web server

Hi all,

So we now have a virtual web server for with the following 

        # Enable rewrite engine
        RewriteEngine On
        # If the requested stuff is not a file ...
        RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_FILENAME}" "!-f"
        # ... nor a directory ...
        RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_FILENAME}" "!-d"
        # ... then redirect (302) to Oracle's server
        RewriteRule "^/var/www/*)$"
"{REQUEST_URI}"; [L,R=302]
        # As a fallaback also redirect all 404 files
        ErrorDocument 404{REQUEST_URI}

(please doublecheck these look fine)

You can test redirections to the previous site as follows:

a) Edit your "/etc/hosts" or "\Windows\System32\services\etc\hosts" (not sure 
about the windows one) and add the following entry:

This will make your operating system think that ""
points to "".

Of course you want to remove this entry from your "hosts" file in the future.

b) Try to load the following urls:
(sample page, no redirection)
(404 page, 302 redirection to Oracle site)

The proposed plan now is:

a) Please send me (again) the URLs of the zip files to add to the web server. 
These should come from zip files (javadoc, maven, whatever) generated by 
Jenkins in We may want to create an additional "timestamp" 
file with the date the zip file was built to avoid downloading unnecessarily (I 
don't know if acknowledges file timestamps properly).

b) I'll add a cron job to periodically check timestamp, download if required, 
and extract the files in proper places. This may be run each, say, two hours? 
four hours? We can also create a web hook, but I'd rather not run stuff 
triggered externally.

c) We'll contact infra to make the DNS changes to point to (no more hacking in your hosts file required then).

d) We'll request a LetsEncrypt certificate once the DNS records are in place.

e) We'll set up a secure web server once the certificates are in place.

Is everything ok with the plan? Any problems you can see?


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