i can take a look next week
Emmanuel Hugonnet

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 8:52 PM Kenneth Fogel <kfo...@dawsoncollege.qc.ca>

> TL;DR NetBeans 10, Java 11, NB 8.2 EE plugins and WildFly 15 don't work
> consistently.
> When I used the recent binary for NB 10, the WildFly plugin from the 8.2
> EE plugins no longer functioned. It went thru the motions but WildFly did
> not appear as a server. It did work in vc3. So, I decided to compile the
> latest version from the sources zip found at
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/netbeans/incubating-netbeans/incubating-10.0/incubating-netbeans-10.0-source.zip
> .
> When I neglected to change my JAVA_HOME from 11 back to 8 it would not
> compile with Ant which is expected. What troubled me was that the errors
> that came in the 1 minutes and 30 seconds that it ran mainly had to do with
> missing XML libraries. I suspect that these are the libraries that Oracle
> removed. Will it ever be possible to compile NetBeans with JDL 11 or
> greater?
> I changed the JAVA_HOME to point to Java 8 and ANT was happy and it
> started to compile. What is puzzling is the continuous stream of warnings
> either with Generic notation, deprecated classes or using soon to be
> forbidden Java internals. A common warning is : warning: unknown enum
> constant When.ALWAYS" along with a number of other "When" enums.
> Compile on Windows took 41 minutes. I have been told that on Linux it
> takes about half that time. Despite all the warnings NetBeans started up
> fine now using JDK 11.
> With nb up and running I went immediately to Tools -> Plugins and updated
> nbjavac Library and Oracle JS Parser Implementation.
> I went to Plugins -> Settings and activated NetBeans 8.2 plugin portal.
> I went to Plugins -> Installed and activated them all.
> I went to  Plugins -> Available Plugin and checked off Check for Newest
> and all the 8.2 plugins appeared. I selected all the Java Web and EE
> plugins and the REST HTML 5 Client. In total there were 11 plugins selected.
> Next I setup a connection to MySQL. I went to the Services tab and right
> mouse clicked on Servers and selected new connection.
> For the MySQL (Connector/J driver) I added the MySQL 8 driver.
> On the next screen I needed to edit the JDBC URL. It defaults to:
> jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull
> but MySQL 8 requires:
> jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL
> Final step was to add the WildFly server.
> No change, I can select WildFly, point to its folder and get the domain
> field correctly filled in from previous attempts. But when I give the final
> OK the server does not appear under Servers.
> Now it gets interesting. After the third attempt to add WildFly it worked
> and it appeared under Servers. Then I closed NetBeans, restarted and the
> WildFly server was no longer shown. Attempts to add it back failed even
> though nb did remember the WildFly setup. I need consistent behaviour in
> the classroom and it does not look like nb 10 in an EE environment can do
> it.
> All of this means that I will have to use NetBeans 8.2, Java 8 and Payara
> as I have for the past two years. This will have a minimal impact on my
> curriculum other than having to explain why we are still using a 4 year old
> version of Java. Sigh.
> Ken
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