Do the later JDKs now automatically choose a good value or behave more 
automatic (can increase at runtime or something)? Before they did not; the 
defaults differed between platforms, and were not very high, so the only way to 
get them was to set them. I wasn’t sure what you meant by “removed”, so wanted 
to be sure.



> On Mar 8, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Laszlo Kishalmi <> 
> wrote:
> Just FYI: In NetBeans 11.0 we have removed the restrictive memory settings.
> On 3/8/19 9:53 AM, Lars Bruun-Hansen wrote:
>> Regarding performance:  In my experience part of the problem has been
>> (historically) that the default -Xmx setting for NB IDE has simply been too
>> low. People just don't go to etc/netbeans.conf on their own and change it.
>> Anyway, when you compare the two IDEs remember to make sure they have been
>> allocated exactly the same amount of memory. Do *not* compare
>> out-of-the-box (no tweaking) performance. In short: Once I learned that I
>> should always allocate memory handsomely to NB IDE I've never experienced
>> problems with performance. I can't remember that I've had 50 projects open
>> at the same time, but something like 40 for sure. No probs.
>> This is not to say that NB IDE can't be improved in the performance area.
>> Above is just my personal/anecdotal experience.
>> /Lars
>> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 5:08 PM Jean-Marc Borer <> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> In the office we were comparing Netbeans to IntelliJ indexing performances
>>> and I have to admit that IntelliJ performs very well here (I was
>>> impressed). We had about 50 maven projects open at the same time. I wonder
>>> how IntelliJ reaches such performances.
>>> Another thing that could be improved in NB would be that when you look for
>>> symbols (CTRL+o), it should also propose file names. This is useful when
>>> you have config files or other assets in your project(s) that are not only
>>> contain code. Does this feature already exist in NB?

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