On Aug 13, 2015 12:22 PM, "Joe Witt" <> wrote:

> Team,
> It was proposed by Ryan Blue on another thread that we consider
> dropping the master vs develop distinction.  In the interest of his,
> in my view, very good point I didn't want it to get buried in that
> thread.
> [1] is the thread when we last discussed gitflow/develop/master on
> entry to the incubator.
> And from that thread here is the part I wish I had better understood
> when the wise Mr Benson said it:
> "Another issue with gitflow is the master branch. The master branch is
> supposed to get merged to for releases. The maven-release-plugin won't
> do that, and the jgitflow plugin is unsafe. So one option is to 'use
> gitflow' but not bother with the master versus develop distinction,
> the other is to do manual merges to master at release points."
> I think we should follow this guidance: "'use gitflow' but not bother
> with the master versus develop distinction".  I say this from having
> done the release management job now a couple of times including having
> done a 'hotfix'.
> My comments here are not a rejection of that master/develop concept in
> general.  It is simply pointing out that for the Apache NiFi community
> it is not adding value but is creating confusion and delay [2].
> Thanks
> Joe
> [1]
> [2] Sir Topham Hatt - Thomas and Friends (tm)

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