The Apache NiFi PMC has voted to allow volunteers to be a Committer without
being on the PMC, and votes for membership of these groups can now happen
separately. Previously, we had only considered the two roles together.
We'll be adding the following language to the web page, which clarifies the
accesses and responsibilities of Committers:


The group of volunteers who are responsible for the technical aspects of
the Apache NiFi Project. This group has write access to the appropriate
source repositories and these volunteers may cast binding votes on any
technical discussion.

Membership as a Committer is by invitation only and must be approved by
consensus approval [1] of the active Apache NiFi PMC members on a vote open
for at least 72 hours. A Committer is considered inactive by their own
declaration or by not contributing in any form to the project for over six
months. An inactive member can become active again by reversing whichever
condition made them inactive ( *i.e.* , by reversing their earlier
declaration or by once again contributing toward the project's work).
Membership can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all the active PMC members
(except the member in question if they are a PMC member).

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