>From the code, it appears it cannot be done as the attribute logging
goes the same getLogger() instance as the normal nifi-app traces. Has
anyone considered making that configurable, maybe allowing you do
define a different logger name for LogAttribute then creating that
logger definition in log back conf allowing flexibility? I'm using
attribute logging heavily as I try to better learn/debug Nifi (it give
you a nice 'under the hood' view of the flow) and build up some flows
and feel it would be beneficial to be able to capture the LogAttribte
message by themselves for more clarity on what is happening. I would
not mind maybe trying to implement this feature as my first crack at
contributing to the project. Seems like a fairly easy one that would
allow me to "go through the motions" of a full pull request process
and iron out the process. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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