Hi Bryan, Mark,

I knew I was forgetting something! So I had actually noticed the
session.append, but I think there are two caveats which make it not what I

1) Does session.append truly 'append'? Or will it re-write/copy the content
that's already in the new flowfile (I think I saw that as a note somewhere
- please correct me if i'm wrong. But if i'm right, performance wise,
that's actually worse than reading/writing the input file O(N) times,
that'd make it O(N^2))
2) The output actually isn't raw/text - I have other writers using that
stream. For example, reading a text CSV, and writing each column to to
Avro. Something that may not be 'appendable', hence requiring the output
flowfile OutputStreams to stay open for the entire duration of the

Thanks for the suggestion though - I hadn't seen the RouteText processor
before. It's actually very close to what i'm looking for! I'll play around
with it and see if it suits - at the very least... Splitting via text first
(skipping the requirement for the nested writer), and then writing each of
those out to (e.g.) Avro in a second processor, may be the best bet.

Thanks Bryan and Mark!

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Mark Payne <marka...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Salvatore,
> I think the key piece that you are missing is the ProcessSession.append()
> method. You can
> use this efficiently append to FlowFile A, then to FlowFile B, then to
> FlowFile A, then to FlowFile C,
> or what-have-you. A good example that comes to mind is the RouteText
> Processor. This is available
> on the 'master' branch.
> So the overall logic would look something like:
> List<FlowFile> flowFiles = new ArrayList<>();
> for (int i=0; i < numColumns; i++) {
>     FlowFile colFlowFile = session.create(originalFlowFile);
>     flowFiles.add(colFlowFile);
> }
> // read line of text
> session.read(originalFlowFile, new InputStreamCallback() {
>       void process(final InputStream rawIn) {
>           try (final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
> InputStreamReader(rawIn))) {
>                 String line = in.readLine();
>                 String[] columns = line.split(",");
>                 for (int i=0; i < columns.length; i++) {
>                         FlowFile colFlowFile = flowFiles.get(i);
>                         colFlowFile = session.append(colFlowFile, new
> OutputStreamCallback() {
>                                 void process(final OutputStream out) {
> out.write(columns[i].getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
>                                 }
>                         });
>                         flowFiles.set(i, colFlowFile);
>                 }
>         }
> }
> But as mentioned, the RouteText processor is a great full processor to use
> as an example.
> Let us know if you run into any more problems!
> Thanks
> -Mark
> > On Nov 23, 2015, at 2:40 AM, Salvatore Papa <salvatore.p...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Heya NiFi devs,
> >
> > I'm having a bit of trouble trying to wrap my head around a valid way of
> > tackling this problem with the available Processor templates. I'd like to
> > split an input flowfile into N different flowfiles, 1 going into 1 of N
> > relationships.
> >
> > A simplistic way of viewing it would be: A very large CSV file, with N
> > columns, and I want to split each column into its own flowfile, and each
> of
> > these flowfiles to its own relationship (or with an attribute saying
> which
> > column it belongs to).
> >
> > Basic premise is for an example with two columns, and only two lines:
> > * Read a line, write first column value to flowfile A, write second
> column
> > value to flowfile B
> > * Read next line, appending first column value to flowfile A, appending
> > second column value to flowfile B
> > Followed by one of:
> > * Send flowfile A to relationship A, and send flowfile B to relationship
> B
> > or
> > * Set attribute "A" to flowfile A, attribute "B" to flowfile B, then send
> > both A and B to a 'success' relationship.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a way to write to multiple flowfiles
> at
> > once, or at least, write to an outputstream for one flowfile, then write
> to
> > another outputstream for another flowfile, then continue writing to the
> > first flowfile.
> >
> > If they weren't such large files, i'd be okay with reading the input
> file N
> > times, pulling out the different part each time, but i'd like to only
> have
> > to read each line (by extension, the file) only once.
> >
> > I've written AbstractProcessors before for simple One-to-One
> > transformations, and even Merge processors which use are an extension of
> > AbstractSessionFactoryProcessors to do Many-to-One, and even Split
> > AbstractProcessors for One-to-Many in serial (splitting at different
> > places, even clone(flowfile, start, size); But I can't work out a way to
> do
> > this One-to-Many in parallel.
> >
> > Any ideas? Am I missing something useful? Do I just have to do it reading
> > it multiple times? Just a really simple proof of concept explaining the
> > design would be enough to get me started.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Salvatore

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