Some thoughts as well.

- This will really differentiate NIFI from other open source projects that
have a central model similar to Nifi but are too large to place on small
- This will enable anyone creating a project with devices whether they are
refrigerators, security systems, power generation systems, or turbines to
have real time data accurately and securely to push data to a system for
- Building the agents in other environments outside of the JVM will expand
the reach of NIFI far beyond where it is today.

Some questions:

Will MiNifi be protocol based or API based?  I am asking this question
because if we make NIFI protocol based, then others can be free to create
new agent implementations.

Are we going to use an existing protocol such as MQTT, AMQP, or STOMP?

Joshua Davis

On 1/9/16, 7:29 PM, "Joe Witt" <> wrote:

>NiFi Community,
>I'd like to initiate discussion around a proposal to create our first
>sub-project of NiFi.  A possible name for it is "MiNiFi" a sort of
>play on Mini-NiFi.
>The idea is to provide a complementary data collection agent to NiFi's
>current approach of dataflow management.  As noted in our ASF TLP
>resolution NiFi is to provide "an automated and durable data broker
>between systems providing interactive command and control and detailed
>chain of custody for data."  MiNiFi would be consistent with that
>scope with a  specific focus on the first-mile challenge so common in
>Specific goals of MiNiFi would be to provide a small, lightweight,
>centrally managed  agent that natively generates data provenance and
>seamlessly integrates with NiFi for follow-on dataflow management and
>maintenance of the chain of custody provided by the powerful data
>provenance features of NiFi.
>MiNiFi should be designed to operate directly on or adjacent to the
>source sensor, system, server generating the events as a resource
>sensitive tenant.  There are numerous agent models in existence today
>but they do not offer the command and control or provenance that is so
>important to the philosophy and scope of NiFi.
>These agents would necessarily have a different interactive command
>and control model than NiFi as you'd not expect consistent behavior,
>capability, or accessibility of all instances of the agents at any
>given time.
>Multiple implementations of MiNiFi are envisioned including those that
>operate on the JVM and those that do not.
>As the discussion advances we can put together wiki pages, concept
>diagrams, and requirements to help better articulate how this might
>evolve.  We should also discuss the mechanics of how this might work
>in terms of infrastructure, code repository, and more.

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