
Happy to help, could you provide some more details around the use case? For
example the JSON content (scrubbed if need be of course) and a stack trace
or other logging/bulletin text about the error?

Regarding PutFile to view output, an alternative is to use a LogAttribute
processor with the "Log Payload" property set to true. Then
logs/nifi-app.log will contain the attributes and content of each flow file
that it is passed. When I start NiFi I usually go right to tailing that log:

bin/ start && tail -f logs/nifi-app.log


P.S.  I see you have a Raytheon email, I was at IDS for 10 years in New
England and 2 years at RTSC in Orlando :)

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Joshua D Rinker <> wrote:

> To whom it may concern,
> I am trying to create a process that will export data from a MySQL
> database using a select query. This data will in turn be used to either
> update or insert records of another MySQL database. At the moment my
> process in NiFi includes the flowing Process flow:
> ExecuteSQL - running the select query
> ConvertAvroToJSON - to clean up the output file which according to the
> document can be used to create a SQL update or insert query
> PutFile - used for testing to view output as I'm new to NiFi
> The other process is:
> GetFile - obtains the output of the first process
> ConvertJSONToSQL - using this to take the JSON and make the SQL Insert
> query
> PutSQL - Should take the query and run it entering the data into the DB
> The problem I'm having is once the JSON file hits the ConvertJSONToSQL an
> error is return about the other table's ID field not being found. This ID
> filed is auto incrementing and doesn't (or shouldn't in my mind) need to be
> provided.
> Could you provide any assistance and/or design advice to get this process
> up and running correctly would be great.
> Thanks,
> Josh

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