Thanks for responding, however...


Your expression below evaluates to true if IT IS NOT THE CASE THAT ALL THREE 


But I need an expression that evalutes to true if IT IS THE CASE THAT ALL THREE 


There are two entirely different things.


Thus, if attr1 is set (thus is “not empty”), but the others are not (thus they 
“are empty”), your expression evaluates to true.


But I need to ensure that NONE of the three “are empty”. I want an expression 
that in the case given above evaluates to false.


Actually, I know how to make an expression that does what I need, however, it 
is more confusing than it needs to be. The simpler expression that one would 
desire to write REQUIRES that you offered a “notEmpty” function, thus would be 
expressible as:




Again, this gives true only if all three attributes are not empty. The 
expression you suggest gives true if even only ONE of the attributes is not 


The lack of “notEmpty()” seems a very grave omission on your part. 


And, you have no comment about the errors in your documentation for “isEmpty” 
and “allAttributes” that I told you?


--Paul Nahay




From: Matthew Clarke [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:07 AM
To:; Paul Nahay
Subject: Re: notEmpty



    You can achieve what you are trying to do by using the not function.


let assume the attributes you want to check to make sure they have a vlaue set 
are attr1, attr2, and attr3.

The expression would be 




On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Paul Nahay <> wrote:

Why don't you have function "notEmpty"? This would be useful when combined with 

I can't see any way, with your current set of functions, to determine that all 
of a set of attributes are not empty, using the "allAttributes" function.

You have "isNull" and "notNull", why don't you have "notEmpty"?

Paul Nahay


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