Welcome to NiFi, we are glad you are finding it useful.  The
ExecuteScript processor works with Jython (a Python interpreter for
the Java Virtual Machine), not the native Python language. That means
that native (C/C++) modules for Python will not be available, but
modules written in pure Python can be used.  There is a email thread
about this:


Also I have posted an article on my blog with a Jython example with
ExecuteScript, Bryan sent the link in a previous email

There are some examples in the unit tests as well:


On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:22 AM, 罗本华 <luoben...@bbdservice.com> wrote:
> hi Mr./Ms,
> The previous period of time our team learned that nifi,and we all think that 
> nifi is very useful.So our company decided to use the depth of the nifi.But 
> when we use it these days,we encountered some problems with the ExecuteScript 
> Processor,we do not know how to deal with the incoming data with python 
> language.Can you give me an example for how to use ExecuteScript Processor 
> with python language.thank you!!
> Looking forward to your reply.
> nifi learner
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