One thing that could be done to enable demos while still having PRs/patches go 
through the Apache process is to have the Organizer create a hackathon branch 
off their fork, and merge in any patches/PRs that are demo-able, then show the 
hackathon goodness at the end. Then the regular process (Jira, review, etc) 
applies to the Apache branch(es) for inclusion into the product.

> On May 16, 2016, at 5:03 PM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
> Team,
> I wanted to shoot out a note to gather input on some rules of
> engagement so to speak for running a nifi hackathon/meetup.  A few of
> us in the DC/MD area have one planned soon [1].
> What I'd like to send out to the meetup group are some ground rules
> for how the meetup will operate.  It is important because not everyone
> will be familiar with the Apache Way, it is being hosted in a vendor
> space, and because in general we want to make sure things like this
> can occur more in the future which means we want this to go well!
> Key points to make follow but if you have others please share:
> 1) Decisions cannot be made in such a setting.  Rather the discussions
> that happen and the ideas and opinions formed in them need to be
> captured on the appropriate feature proposals, JIRAs, mailing-list
> discussions so others can participate.  This includes feature ideas,
> code ideas, roadmap items, etc..
> 2) We cannot just make up JIRAs, whip up some code, +1 and merge it
> during the meetup.  If something is worthy of a RTC, which is
> basically all things code, then it needs to be given time for folks
> not sitting at the meetup to participate in - that is it should be
> treated like any other contribution.
> 3) Notes/summary of the meetup should occur and be made available to
> the community.
> [1]
> Thanks
> Joe

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